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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Batch Insert

      Data Type

      Ultipa property types and Go data types are correlated as following pairs:

      Ultipa Go
      string string
      text string
      float float32
      double float64
      int32 int32
      uint32 uint32
      int64 int64
      uint64 uint64
      datetime string
      timestamp string

      Use utils.StringAsInterface(str string, t ultipa.PropertyType) (interface{}, error) to convert any data from string format to its corresponding Ultipa property type.

      Please note, the discrepancy between data formats of string and ultipa.PropertyType will lead to conversion failure, such as:

      • conversion from abc to ultipa.PropertyType_INT32 will fail since 'abc' is not an integer;
      • conversion from 2020-1-3 3:34:1 to ultipa.PropertyType_datetime will fail due to that the date format is not following 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'.


      InsertNodesBatchBySchema() will insert multiple nodes of a particular node schema. The properties carried in the values of nodes should be consistent with those declared in the schema structure.

      Method and class:

      InsertNodesBatchBySchema(schema *structs.Schema, 
      						 rows []*structs.Node, 
                               config *configuration.InsertRequestConfig
      ) (*http.InsertResponse, error)
      Schema struct {
      	Name       string
      	Properties []*Property
      	Desc       string
      	Type       string
      	DBType     ultipa.DBType
      	Total      int
      Property struct {
      	Name   string
      	Desc   string
      	Lte    bool
      	Schema string
      	Type   ultipa.PropertyType
      Node struct {
      	Name   string
      	ID     types.ID
      	UUID   types.UUID
      	Schema string
      	Values *Values

      Example: Insert multiple nodes into schema 'customer' of graphset 'test', use normal insert mode

      func TestMisc(t *testing.T) {
          // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn' using graphset 'default'
      	schema := &structs.Schema{
      		Name:   "customer",
      		DBType: ultipa.DBType_DBNODE,
      		Properties: []*structs.Property{
      				Name: "name",
      				Type: ultipa.PropertyType_STRING,
      				Name: "age",
      				Type: ultipa.PropertyType_INT32,
      	var nodes []*structs.Node
      	node1 := structs.NewNode()
      	node1.Set("name", "Paal")
      	node1.Set("age", int32(34))
      	nodes = append(nodes, node1)
      	node2 := structs.NewNode()
      	node2.Set("name", "Alice")
      	node2.Set("age", int32(23))
      	nodes = append(nodes, node2)
      	_, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchBySchema(schema, nodes, &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
      		RequestConfig: &configuration.RequestConfig{
      			GraphName: "test",
      		InsertType: ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
      	if err != nil {


      InsertNodesBatchAuto() will insert multiple nodes of multiple node schemas. The nodes should carry schema, and the properties carried in the values of nodes should be consistent with those defined in the graphset.

      Method and class:

      InsertNodesBatchAuto(nodes []*structs.Node, 
      					 config *configuration.InsertRequestConfig
      ) (*http.InsertBatchAutoResponse, error)
      Node struct {
      	Name   string
      	ID     types.ID
      	UUID   types.UUID
      	Schema string
      	Values *Values

      Example: Insert multiple nodes into multiple schemas of graphset 'test', use upsert mode

      func TestMisc(t *testing.T) {
          // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn' using graphset 'default'
      	var nodes []*structs.Node
      	node1 := structs.NewNode()
      	node1.Schema = "customer"
      	node1.ID = "ULTIPA8000000000000029"
      	node1.Set("name", "Paal")
      	node1.Set("age", int32(36))
      	nodes = append(nodes, node1)
      	node2 := structs.NewNode()
      	node2.Schema = "card"
      	node2.Set("balance", float32(25756.27))
      	nodes = append(nodes, node2)
      	_, err := conn.InsertNodesBatchAuto(nodes, &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
      		RequestConfig: &configuration.RequestConfig{
      			GraphName: "test",
      		InsertType: ultipa.InsertType_UPSERT,
      	if err != nil {


      InsertEdgesBatchBySchema() will insert multiple edges of a particular edge schema. The properties carried in the values of edges should be consistent with those declared in the schema structure.

      Method and class:

      InsertEdgesBatchBySchema(schema *structs.Schema, 
      						 rows []*structs.Edge, 
                               config *configuration.InsertRequestConfig
      ) (*http.InsertResponse, error)
      Schema struct {
      	Name       string
      	Properties []*Property
      	Desc       string
      	Type       string
      	DBType     ultipa.DBType
      	Total      int
      Property struct {
      	Name   string
      	Desc   string
      	Lte    bool
      	Schema string
      	Type   ultipa.PropertyType
      Edge struct {
      	Name     string
      	From     types.ID
      	To       types.ID
      	FromUUID types.UUID
      	ToUUID   types.UUID
      	UUID     types.UUID
      	Schema   string
      	Values   *Values

      Example: Insert multiple edges into schema 'transfer' of graphset 'test', use normal insert mode, allowing start/end nodes to be created

      func TestMisc(t *testing.T) {
          // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn' using graphset 'default'
      	schema := &structs.Schema{
      		Name:   "transfer",
      		DBType: ultipa.DBType_DBEDGE,
      		Properties: []*structs.Property{
      				Name: "amount",
      				Type: ultipa.PropertyType_FLOAT,
      	var edges []*structs.Edge
      	edge1 := structs.NewEdge()
      	edge1.From = "ULTIPA8000000000000002"
      	edge1.To = "ULTIPA8000000000000003"
      	edge1.Set("amount", float32(2500))
      	edges = append(edges, edge1)
      	edge2 := structs.NewEdge()
      	edge2.From = "ULTIPA8000000000000007"
      	edge2.To = "ULTIPA8000000000000005"
      	edge2.Set("amount", float32(125.5))
      	edges = append(edges, edge2)
      	_, err := conn.InsertEdgesBatchBySchema(schema, edges, &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
      		RequestConfig: &configuration.RequestConfig{
      			GraphName: "test",
      		InsertType: ultipa.InsertType_NORMAL,
              CreateNodeIfNotExist: true,
      	if err != nil {


      InsertEdgesBatchAuto() will insert multiple edges of multiple edge schemas. The edges should carry schema, and the properties carried in the values of edges should be consistent with those defined in the graphset.

      Method and class:

      InsertEdgesBatchAuto(edges []*structs.Edge, 
      					 config *configuration.InsertRequestConfig
      ) (*http.InsertBatchAutoResponse, error)
      Edge struct {
      	Name     string
      	From     types.ID
      	To       types.ID
      	FromUUID types.UUID
      	ToUUID   types.UUID
      	UUID     types.UUID
      	Schema   string
      	Values   *Values

      Example: Insert multiple edges into multiple schemas of graphset 'test', use overwrite mode, allowing start/end nodes to be created

      func TestMisc(t *testing.T) {
          // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn' using graphset 'default'
      	var edges []*structs.Edge
      	edge1 := structs.NewEdge()
      	edge1.Schema = "transfer"
      	edge1.UUID = uint64(27)
      	edge1.From = "ULTIPA8000000000000002"
      	edge1.To = "ULTIPA8000000000000003"
      	edge1.Set("amount", float32(245.4))
      	edges = append(edges, edge1)
      	edge2 := structs.NewEdge()
      	edge2.Schema = "default"
      	edge2.From = "ULTIPA800000000000001A"
      	edge2.To = "ULTIPA800000000000001B"
      	edges = append(edges, edge2)
      	_, err := conn.InsertEdgesBatchAuto(edges, &configuration.InsertRequestConfig{
      		RequestConfig: &configuration.RequestConfig{
      			GraphName: "test",
      		InsertType: ultipa.InsertType_OVERWRITE,
              CreateNodeIfNotExist: true,
      	if err != nil {
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