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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Data source page stores data extraction sources including data platforms such as Hive, Mysql, and Neo4j, as well as DAT and CSV file. It also stores Ultipa Graph sources for data to load into.

      Create Data Source

      Click "+ Create" and select a data source type as shown below:

      Diagram: Select Data Source Type

      Then fill the data source information in the popup window. Ultipa Maker supports both data platforms and files as data soucres, their configurations required are slightly different.

      Configure Platform Data Source

      Name Names of data extraction sources or loading sources,created by the user.
      Hosts Specifies a data platform's server with format <hostname>:<port>, cluster URLs allowed; provided by the system administrator.
      Username Generated and provided by the system administrator.
      Password Generated and provided by the system administrator.
      Graphset Applicable for Ultipa Graph for data loading, provided by system administrator, and accurate match with loading Graphset's name is required, otherwise the graphset is unable to connect.
      Database Applicable for data extraction sources such as Mysql, Neo4j, and Hive, provided by system administrator, and accurate match with loading Database's name is required, otherwise the database is unable to connect.
      Diagram: Add Data Extraction Source

      Configure File Data Source

      Name File data source's name; created by the user.
      Import Type Defines the graph data type of the import file, select from Node or Edge files.
      Seperator For .CSV files, the seperator is ",". For .DAT files, users need to decide based on the seperator contained in the source files.
      Header Name To switch it on means to import the first row of the import file as the header of import data; to switch it of represents to import the first row of the import file as normal data.

      User need to create independent data sources for each node or edge file, as they can not be imported at one time.

      Drag and drop file in file area after configuration, then save:

      Diagram: Add File as Data Source

      Edit Data Source

      Modifying and adding data sources are similar: find target data source, click "Edit" button to modify source configurations, test connections, and save:

      Diagram: Modify Data Source

      Delete Data Source

      If to delete a data source, users can find the target source from source list, click deletion icon in its accordant card, and confirm deletion in the pop-up window to complete deletion:

      Diagram: Delete Data Source

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