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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Transporter | Exporter

      This manual covers the usage of Ultipa Exporter (Go Version), a command-line-based lightweight tool for fast export of multiple metadata files from the Ultipa Graph database to local in one command.

      Ultipa Transporter can handle instances hosted on-premise and on Ultipa Cloud
      Datafiles, configuration file and Ultipa Transporter in local PC

      Change Log (V4.1 to V4.2)

      • Supports text type
      • Adds MaxPacketSize to adjust the maximum bytes of each packet the SDK processes
      • Adds Timeout to set grpc timeout limit
      • Adds timezone to set for timestamp
      • Checks whether graphset status is MOUNTED before export


      • configuration file
      • a command line terminal that is compatible with your operating system:
      • a version of Ultipa Exporter compatible with your operating system

      Background Knowledge - System Properties

      System properties of node:

      • _id: ID of node, a string of maximum 128 bytes
      • _uuid: ID of node, an uint64

      System properties of edge:

      • _uuid: ID of edge, an uint64
      • _from: the _id of start-node (FROM) of edge
      • _to: the _id of end-node (TO) of edge
      • _from_uuid: the _uuid of start-node (FROM) of edge
      • _to_uuid: the _uuid of end-node (TO) of edge

      System properties will be exported by default and do not need to be specified in the configuration file.

      Data File

      • File name: <schema>.node.<file_type> and <schema>.edge.<file_type>, i.e., 'default.node.csv'
      • Each file: nodes or edges that belong to a specific schema
      • Each row (except headers): a node or an edge
      • Each column: a property
      • File type: csv
      • File delimiter: ,
      • File headers (column names) format: <property_name>:<property_type>, set parameter writeHeader to generate headers or not

      YML: server

        host: ""	# for cluster, separate multiple server nodes with comma ','
        username: employee533
        password: joaedSSGsdf
        crt: ""					# The directory of the SSL certificate when both servers are in SSL mode
        graphset: test_graph		# The graphset name, or use graphset 'default' by default

      YML: nodeConfig | edgeConfig

        - schema: student		# The schema to export, mandatory
          # export all properties of this schema when not specifying `properties`
        - schema: course
            - name: title		# Declare custom properties to be exported
            - name: credit
            # System properties _id、_uuid will be exported by default and do not need to be declared
        - schema: "*"			# Star * denotes all properties of all schemas

      YML: settings

        writeHeader: false	#  Whether to write headers into the file, or do by default
        outPath: ./temp		# The path of the exported files, or write to './export/' by default

      Other parameters:

      Parameter Specification Default Value
      MaxPacketSize int 41943040 (40M) The maximum bytes of each packet the GO SDK processes
      Timeout int 1000 The grpc timeout limit when exporting huge amount of data, unit in second; set to <0 for no limit, set to 0 for 1000s
      timezone string (local timezone) The timezone of timestamp values, e.g. +00:80, Asia/Shanghai etc.

      Command Line

      1. Show help

      ./ultipa-exporter --help
      1. Download configuration sample file

      ./ultipa-exporter --sample
      1. Execute export operation, the config file out.yml is in the current directory

      ./ultipa-exporter --config ./out.yml

      All parameters:

      --help show help information
      --config <FILE_PATH_NAME> define the configuration file and execute import operation
      --sample true: generate a sample config file; false: do not generate sample config file
      --host <IP:PORT> overwrite the parameter host in the config file
      --graph <GRAPH_NAME> overwrite the parameter graphset in the config file
      --username <USERNAME> overwrite the parameter username in the config file
      --password <PASSWORD> overwrite the parameter password in the config file
      --maxPacketSize <MAXPACKETSIZE> overwrite the parameter MaxPacketSize in the config file
      --logAppend true: append multiple error info into one log file; false: generate a log file for each error info
      --progressLog <boolean> (for Ultipa Manager) true: generate progress log; false do not generate progress log
      --version true: show Ultipa Exporter version; false: do not show Ultipa Exporter version


      Q: I got such error 'rpc error: code = ResourceExhausted desc = Sent message larger than max (31324123 vs. 4194304)', what does it mean and how to solve it?

      A: This message means when exporting a data batch, the packet size which is 31324123 bytes exceeds the limit of 4194304 bytes. The possible reasons are too many properties imported at a time, or excessive property volume (long texts stored in text type), as a result of which the data volume of a data batch exceeds the default server config of max_rpc_msgsize (4M) and/or the MaxPacketSize of Go SDK (40M).

      Solution: raise the setting of MaxPacketSize in the config file, and/or max_rpc_msgsize in the server config (the latter requires a server re-boot). Ultipa Exporter automatically decides the batch size which cannot be set by users.

      Q: What timezone is used when exporting time values?

      A: Value of datetime has no timezone information, value of timestamp will be exported according to the parameter timezone setting, or in local timezone if timezone is not set.

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