This manual covers the usage of Ultipa CLI, a cross-platform command line tool for running UQL and operating Ultipa Graph Database.
- A command line terminal that is compatible with your operating system:
- Linux or MacOS: bash, zsh, tcsh
- Windows: PowerShell
- A version of Ultipa CLI compatible with your operating system
Note: sign up for an Ultipa Account in order to access Ultipa Download Centre, remove download restrictions if popped by your browser in order to continue the download process.
Operation Procedure
- Get server connection (in PowerShell on Windows, the same below)
./ultipa_cli.exe -h -u user1 -p 12dfa36
- Send UQL (refer to Ultipa Query Language Guide)
- Switch graphset ('alimama' for example)
use alimama
- Switch server connection
./ultipa_cli.exe -h,, -u user1 -p 12dfa36