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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      WHERE | Check Row by Row

      Format, Parameters

      WHERE can keep the rows of data in the data streams that meet the conditions, and discard those that do not meet the conditions.


      • Format 1: where <condition>
      • Format 2: where <query> (Under development)
      • Parameters: see table below
      • Affected columns: all aliases and homologous columns from <condition> and <query>; non-homologous aliases will be trimmed to the shortest length so that they can become homologous columns before calculation
      Name Category Specification Description
      <condition> filter Filter with curly brackets removed Judgement conditions, rows that are judged as TRUE will be kept
      <query> query / Query statement, rows that return results will be kept

      WHERE can seperate some filtering conditions from Ultipa Filter to improve UQL readability; it can also realize subgraph queries as complex as graph() command.


      find().nodes({shape == "square"}) as n1
      find().nodes({shape == "round"}) as n2
      where n1.color == n2.color
      return n1, n2

      In the UQL statement above, WHERE trims the two non-homologous columns outputted from 2 node queries to the shortest length,3 rows, then filter each row

      where <condition>

      Example: find three-step transfer paths from Card CA001 to Card CA002, with two intermittent cards in the paths containing at least one card whose level is 5

      n({_id == "CA001"}).e().n({@card} as n1)
        .e().n({@card} as n2)
        .e().n({_id == "CA002"}) as p
      where n1.level == 5 || n2.level == 5
      return p{*}

      where <query> (Under Development)

      Example: find an intermittent card named "agent" that satisfies conditions as shown in the image below: Card CA002 transfers money to Card CA001 via agent; agent is a neighbor to Card CA003 within 2 hops

      n({_id == "CA002"}).re().n({@card} as agent).re().n({_id == "CA001"})
      where n(agent).e()[*:2].n({_id == "CA003"})
      return agent{*}

      Analysis: WHERE further filters data columns "agent": it judges if the shortest paths from "agent" to Card CA003 exist, if true, then it passes "agent" to later "return"

      The example above can be put in a subgraph template as shown below:

        n({_id == "CA002"}).re().n({@card} as agent).re().n({_id == "CA001"}),
        n(agent).e()[*:2].n({_id == "CA003"})
      return agent{*}
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