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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      RETURN can perform functional operations on the data stream and assemble multiple return values to send back to client end. Return values that are heterologous will NOT be trimmed.

      Syntax: RETURN <expression> as <alias>, <expression> as <alias>, ...

      • <expression>: Return value
      • <alias>: Alias of return value, optional

      For information on how to designate properties of NODE, EDGE, or PATH in RETURN clause, please refer to Chapter Query - Alias System .

      find().nodes() as n1 limit 5
      n(3).e()[2].n(as n2) as path
      return n1, pnodes(path), distinct(n2.color)

      In the UQL above, RETURN assembles 3 values whose structures are NODE, ARRAY and ATTR; the first value are heterologous with the latter two values; the deduplication against the 3rd value does NOT affect the 2nd value, which is homologous with the 3rd value, as the deduplication is operated in RETRUN:


      Example: return 10 nodes with all their properties

      find().nodes() as n
      limit 10
      return n{*} 

      Example: find 50 nodes that are @card or @customer, return properties balance or level

      find().nodes({@card || @customer}) as n
      limit 50
      return n{balance, level}

      Analysis: @card nodes have both balance and level as properties, while @customer nodes only have level. Returned results only contain properties the nodes have.


      Example: return 50 edges without customized properties

      find().edges() as e
      limit 50
      return e


      Example: return 10 three-step paths without any customized node or edge properties

      n().e()[3].n() as p
      limit 10
      return p 

      Example: return 10 one-step transfer paths between customers' cards, return them with balance and time

        .e().n({@customer}) as p
      limit 10
      return p{balance}{time} 

      Analysis: returned values only contains properties the schema has. In this example, @card has balance, @transfer has time, and all nodes and edges have system properties and schema.

      Example: return 10 one-step transfer paths among customers' cards, with all nodes carrying all their properties and edges carrying no custom properties.

        .e().n({@customer}) as p
      limit 10
      return p{*}{} 

      Example: return 10 one-step transfer paths among customers' cards, with all nodes and edges carrying all their properties.

        .e().n({@customer}) as p
      limit 10
      return p{*}


      Example:find 100 edges, return their schema name and amount (if applicable)

      find().edges() as e
      limit 100
      return e.@, e.amount

      Analysis: egdes without amount will return null in e.amount

      Example: find the highest balance among all cards

      find().nodes({@card}) as n
      return max(n.balance)


      Example: find 10 cards, aggregate Card IDs in arrays and return

      find().nodes({@card}) as n
      limit 10
      return collect(n._id)


      Example: find 10 transfer edges, aggregate intial cards' IDs, terminal cards' IDs, transfer amounts in tables and return

      n(as n1).e({@transfer} as e).n(as n2)
      limit 10
      return table(n1._id, n2._id, e.amount)
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