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      Path Finding Template

      A path template n().e()...n() can apply filters on each node and edge of a path independently. It is a very flexible way of path query.


      • Statement alias: supported (PATH)
      • Prefix: OPTIOANL (returns a pseudo path for any subquery that finds no result, with empty string as _id and 0 as _uuid for all nodes and edges in the path)
      • Optional parameters:
      Parameter Type Specification Description Structure of Custom Alias
      no_circle() / / To dismiss the paths with circles; see Basic Concept - Terminologies for the definition of circle Not supported
      limit() Int -1 or >=0 Number of results to return for each subquery, -1 means to return all results Not supported

      1 step

      Example: as the path structure shown below, find transactions from a customer's card to another customer's card, return 10 paths and their properties

        .le({@has}).n({@customer}) as p
      limit 10 
      return p{*}

      N steps

      Example: as the path structure shown below, find 3-step transaction paths from Customer CU001's card, return 10 paths and their properties

      n({_id == "CU001"}).re({@has}).n({@card})
        .re({@transfer})[3].n({@card}) as p
      limit 10 
      return p{*}

      1~N steps

      Example: find 1 to 3 steps' transaction paths from Customer CU001's card, return 10 paths and their properties

      n({_id == "CU001"}).re({@has}).n({@card})
        .le({@has}).n({@customer}) as p
      limit 10 
      return p{*}

      M~N steps

      Example: find 2 to 3 steps' transaction paths from Customer CU001's card, return 10 paths and their properties

      n({_id == "CU001"}).re({@has}).n({@card})
        .le({@has}).n({@customer}) as p
      limit 10 
      return p{*}

      Non-weighted Shortest Path

      Example: as the path structure shown below, find the shortest transaction paths from Customer CU001's card to Customer CU002's card within 3 steps, return 10 paths and their properties.

      n({_id == "CU001"}).re({@has}).n({@card} as n1)
      n({_id == "CU002"}).re({@has}).n({@card} as n2)
      with n1, n2
      n(n1).re({@transfer})[*:3].n(n2) as p 
      limit 10
      return p{*}

      Analysis: in this example, two path templates are first applied to find Customer CU001 and Customer CU002's cards respectively, then one card is used as scr and another as dest in a third transaction path template to find the shortest path between them.


      Example: as the path structure shown below, find the circular single-direction transaction paths from Customer CU001's card within 4 steps, return 10 paths and their properties

      n({_id == "CU001"}).re({@has}).n({@card} as n)
        .re({@transfer})[:4].n(n) as p
      limit 10
      return p{*}


      Example: find the non-circular single-direction transaction paths from Customer CU001's card within 4 steps, return 10 paths and their properties

      n({_id == "CU001"}).re({@has}).n({@card})
        .no_circle() as p
      limit 10
      return p{*}


      Example: find the transaction paths from Card CA001, CA002, and CA005 to Card CA016 within 3 steps, return 2 paths for each pair and their properties

      find().nodes({_id in ["CA001", "CA002", "CA005"]}) as n
      n(n).e()[:3].n({_id == "CA016"})
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}


      Example: find the transaction paths from Card CA001, CA002, and CA005 to Card CA016 within 3 steps, return 2 paths for each pair and their properties; if no paths returned, return optional paths

      find().nodes({_id in ["CA001", "CA002", "CA005"]}) as n
      optional n(n).e()[:3].n({_id == "CA016"})
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      0~N steps

      Example: find customers who viewed or purchased Product P001, then find other customers 0 to 2 steps away from those customers, return all secondary customers' properties.

      n({_id == "P001"}).e().n({@customer})
        .e()[0:2].n({@customer}) as p
      return p{*}

      Inter-step Filter

      Example: find the outbound @transfer paths from Card CA001 to Card CA002 within 4 steps, with each @transfer time greater than the previous one within the same path, return 10 paths and their properties.

      n({_id == "CA001"}).re({@transfer.time > prev_e.time})[:4].n({_id == "CA002"}) as p
      limit 10
      return p{*}
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