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      All Operators

      Schema Reference @
      Property Reference .
      Logical Operators &&, `
      Arithmetic Operators +, -, *, /, %
      Comparison Operators =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, <>, <=>, =~, in, nin
      String Operators String Concatenation: +
      Contains: contains
      Contains (Full-text Index): contains
      List Operators List Construction: []
      Elements Accessing: []
      Membership Checking: in, nin
      Deduplication DISTINCT
      Null Predicates is null, is not null
      Precedence Control ()

      Schema Reference

      The @ allows you to reference the schema of a node or an edge.

      find().nodes() as n
      return n.@ limit 10
      find().edges({@links}) as e
      return e

      Property Reference

      The . (period) allows you to reference a property of a node or an edge.

      find().nodes() as n
      return n._id limit 10
      n({@account.level > 3}).e().n() as p
      return p

      Logical Operators


      Combines two or more conditions in a way that all of them must be true for the entire expression to evaluate to true.

      Truth table for the && (and) operator:

      && True False
      True True False
      False False False

      This query returns users whose age exceeds 30 and incomeGroup equals to 4:

      find().nodes({@User}) as n
      where n.age > 30 && n.incomeGroup == 4
      return n


      Combines two or more conditions where only one of them needs to be true for the entire expression to evaluate to true.

      Truth table for the || (or) operator:

      || True False
      True True True
      False True False

      This query returns users whose age exceeds 30, or incomeGroup equals to 4:

      find().nodes({@User}) as n
      where n.age > 30 || n.incomeGroup == 4
      return n


      Combines two or more conditions by evaluating two conditions at a time. For two conditions, the result is true only if exactly one of the conditions is true. If both are true or both are false, the result is false. When applied to multiple conditions, xor first evaluates the result of the first two conditions, then compares that result with the next condition, continuing this process until all conditions are checked.

      Truth table for the xor operator:

      xor True False
      True False True
      False True False

      This query returns users whose age exceeds 30, or incomeGroup equals to 4, but excludes users who meet both criteria:

      find().nodes({@User}) as n
      where n.age > 30 xor n.incomeGroup == 4
      return n


      Negates a condition, returning true if the specified condition is false and vice versa.

      Truth table for the ! (not) operator:

      True False
      False True

      This query returns users whose age is not 30:

      find().nodes({@User}) as n
      where !(n.age == 30)
      return n

      Arithmetic Operators

      Performs mathematical operations on numerical values. UQL supports the following arithmetic operators:

      • Addition: +
      • Subtraction: -
      • Multiplication: *
      • Division: /
      • Modulus: %
      return (2+8)%3



      Comparison Operators

      Compares two values or expressions and returns true or false. UQL supports the following comparison operators:

      • Equal to: ==
      • Not equal to: !=
      • Greater than: >
      • Less than: <
      • Greater than or equal to: >=
      • Less than or equal to: <=
      • Between: <>
      • Between or equal to: <=>
      • Regular match: =~
      • Belong to: in (See Membership Checking)
      • Not belong to: nin (See Membership Checking)

      This query returns users whose age is not 30:

      find().nodes({@User}) as n
      where n.age != 30
      return n

      This query returns users whose age is between 25 to 35, exclusive of both endpoints (25 and 35):

      find().nodes({@User.age <> [25, 35]}) as n
      return n

      This query returns users whose age is between 25 to 35, inclusive of both endpoints (25 and 35):

      find().nodes({@User.age <=> [25, 35]}) as n
      return n

      This query returns users whose email is in the format of [email protected] or [email protected]:

      find().nodes({ =~ "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.(com|cn)$"}) as n
      return n

      String Operators

      String Concatenation

      The + combines multiple strings into a single string by merging the characters of each string in order.

      return "data" + "base"


      "data" + "base"


      The contains checks if one string contains another as a substring.

      return "Graph Database@d134" contains "graph"


      "Graph Database@d134" contains "graph"

      This query returns user whose aboutMe contains "graph database":

      find().nodes({@User.aboutMe contains "graph database"}) as n
      return n

      Contains (Full-text Index)

      The contains, when used with a full-text index, checks if its segmented tokens contain all the specified keywords.

      To find nodes using the full-text index prodDesc where tokens include both "graph" and "database":

      find().nodes({~prodDesc contains "graph database"}) as n
      return n

      For more examples and detailed explanations, see Full-text Index.

      List Operators

      List Construction

      The [] can create a list by placing comma-separated elements inside.

      with [1,2,3] as items
      return items



      The [] can also construct a nested list:

      with [[1,2],[2,3]] as items
      return items



      Elements Accessing

      The [] can access elements within a list by their indexes. Lists use 0-based indexing, meaning the first element is at index 0.

      with ["a", 1, "b"] as items
      return items[0]



      Membership Checking

      The in checks whether a specified element exists within a list. Conversely, the nin checks whether a specified element does not exist within a list.

      This query returns nodes whose _id can be found in the list of ["U01", "U02"]:

      find().nodes({_id in ["U01", "U02"]}) as n 
      return n

      This query returns nodes whose _id cannot be found in the list of ["U01", "U02"]:

      find().nodes({_id nin ["U01", "U02"]}) as n 
      return n


      The distinct ensures that only unique values are included.

      This query returns distinct age values of users:

      find().nodes({@User}) as n 
      return distinct n.age

      Null Predicates

      Specifies a test for a null value. UQL supports the following null predicates:

      • is null
      • is not null

      This query retrieves the title of each @Paper node if the value is not null; otherwise, it returns the message TITLE NOT FOUND.

      find().nodes({@Paper}) as n
      return case 
        when n.title is not null then n.title
        else "TITLE NOT FOUND"
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