LTE (Load to Engine) is an operation that loads properties from disk into the computing engine or memory to optimize query performance. It allows faster access to data, reducing disk I/O.
After a property is LTE-ed, it isn't loaded into memory immediately but when accessed via a query or during a cache warm-up operation. LTE can be performed on custom properties or the system property _id
When a property is no longer needed for LTE, you can execute the UFE (Unload from Engine) operation to remove it. Even though UFE-ed properties may remain in memory temporarily until they are cleared or evicted, they will not be accessed by queries anymore.
You can perform LTE for a property using the LTE()
statement. The LTE operation runs as a job, you may run show().job(<id?>)
afterward to verify the success of the completion.
To perform LTE for node property @member._id
To perform LTE for edge property @transfer.amount
You can perform UFE for a property using the UFE()
To perform UFE for node property @member._id
To perform UFE for edge property @transfer.amount