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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Insert means to insert new node/edge data in the current GraphSet; properties carried in the data will be given the value directly, while those are not will be left as an empty string, null or 0 based on their data type.

      Insertion will insert one or multiple nodes/edges in the current GraphSet:

      • Insert nodes: specify UUID and/or ID in the data, or leave them auto-generated by the system; the operation fails if the specified UUID or ID already exists in the GraphSet.
      • Insert edges: specify UUID in the data, or leave it auto-generated by the system; the operation fails if the specified UUID already exists in the GraphSet; the operation also fails if the start/end node of the edge is not specified or if the start/end node does not exist in the GraphSet.


      • Command: insert().into(@<schema>)
      • Parameter: nodes() or edges(), custom alias not supported
      • Statement Alias: Custom alias supported, structure type is NODE or EDGE

      It is not suggested to execute insertion operation after streaming return of an algorithm, see details on stream() in document Ultipa Graph Analytics & Algorithms - Using Algorithms - Execution Method.

      // To insert nodes of a certain schema in the current graphset
        .nodes([				// Square brackets can be omitted if inserts only one node
          {<property1>:<value1>, <property2>:<value2>, ...},
          {<property1>:<value1>, <property2>:<value2>, ...},
      // To insert edges of a certain schema in the current graphset, must carry _from and _to, or must carry _from_uuid and _to_uuid
        .edges([				// Square brackets can be omitted if inserts only one edge
          {<property1>:<value1>, <property2>:<value2>, ...},
          {<property1>:<value1>, <property2>:<value2>, ...},

      Example: Insert two nodes into @account with names "Graph", "Database" and account No. U001, U002; check the UUID generated by the system

        .nodes([{_id: "U001", name: "Graph"}, {_id: "U002", name: "Database"}]) as nodes
      return nodes._uuid

      Note: In the above node insertion operation, account No. is a string and can be stored in ID.

      Example: Insert an edge into @transaction with transaction No. TRX001, amount 100, transaction time 2021-01-01 09:00:00, from card C001 to card C002; check the UUID generated by the system

        .edges({no: "TRX001", 
                _from: "C001", 
                _to: "C002", 
                amount: 100, 
                time: "2021-01-01 09:00:00"
        }) as edges
      return edges._uuid

      Note: In the above edge insertion operation, the transaction No. is a string and needs to be stored in a user-defined string-type property no, because ID is not supported by edges; query for user-defined properties can be sped up via index or LTE.

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