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      Expression | Filter


      Expression is a syntactical arithmetic combination of Operator and Operand. In UQL, expression appears in both filters and clauses, and each expression has a value.

      • Operator: conditional operators, logical operators, numeric operators (see the next article for operators and their precedence)

      • Operand: constant, alias, function, current schema, current property

      Operand Examples Expression Examples (in filters)
      Constant 1,"abc", "2020-01-01 0:0:0" {1+3*2}
      Alias nodes,edges,paths {nodes.level},{edges.amount < 2000}
      Function now(),count(nodes),year("2022-04-12") {year(edges.time) > 2020}
      Current schema this.@ {@ == "card"},{@product}
      Current property this._id, {level != 2}

      (The nodes, edges and paths appeared above are the aliases in structure NODE, EDGE and PATH; system alias this that represent the current node or edge is usually omitted, see document Query - Alias System for detail.)


      As shown in the above table, Ultipa filter has below features:

      • It is an expression encapsulated in curly bracket { }
      • It usually (but not necessarily) calls the schema and/or property of current metadata as operands
      • Its last operator to run is usually (but not necessarily) conditional operator or logical operator

      The expression in the Ultipa filter judges whether the current node/edge meets the filtering condition by producing a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE). Sometimes conversion is needed from non-boolean value to boolean value:

      Non Boolean Type To TRUE To FALSE
      Number When it is NOT 0 When it is 0
      string, text, datetime When the first character is NOT '0' When the first character is '0'
      timestamp When it is NOT '1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00' or equivalent When it is '1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00' or equivalent

      Example: find 10 cards whose balances are NOT 0

      find().nodes({@card.balance}) as n
      limit 10
      return n{*}

      All Ultipa queries employ filtering mechanism when filter for metadata. There are 3 implementation scenarios of Ultipa filter:

      Common filtering In any query command, to filter current node or edge using constant and alias defined before the query command {time > "2022-02-24 07:00:00"}
      Inter-step filtering In template query, to filter current node or edge using precedent nodes or edges in the same path (see document Query - Path|Subgraph|Template for detail) {time > prev_e.time}, {_uuid == a._uuid}
      Full-text filtering In any query command, to filter current node or edge against the word segmentation result of any of their properties ( refer to Conditional Operator - Contains and Index | Full-text | LTE - Full-text Filter) {~content contains "graph ultra* database"}

      (In the above table the time is a property name, a is an alias defined earlier in the same path template, and content is the full-text index for a property)

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