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      Distributed Projections


      A distributed projection resides in the memory of the corresponding shard servers where the data is persistently stored. It can hold either full or partial data from a graphset and supports running graph algorithms, though it doesn't execute graph queries.

      All distributed projections of a graphset are lost when the data in the graphset is migrated to different shards.

      Managing Distributed Projections

      Showing Distributed Projections

      Retrieves information about all distributed projections of the current graphset:


      It returns a table _projectList with the following fields:

      project_name Name of the projection.
      project_type Type of the projection, which is pregel for all distributed projections.
      graph_name Name of the current graphset from which the data was loaded.
      status Current state of the projection, which can be DONE or CREATING, FAILED or UNKNOWN.
      stats Node and edge statistics per shard, including address of the leader replica of the current graphset, edge_in_count, edge_out_count and node_count.
      config Configurations for the distributed projection.

      Creating a Distributed Projection

      The create.project() statement creates an in-memory projection of the current graphset to shard servers. The project creation is executed as a job, you may run show().job(<id?>) afterward to verify the success of the creation.

          nodes: {
            "<schema1?>": ["<property1?>", "<property2?>", ...],
            "<schema2?>": ["<property1?>", "<property2?>", ...],
          edges: {
            "<schema1?>": ["<property1?>", "<property2?>", ...],
            "<schema2?>": ["<property1?>", "<property2?>", ...],
          direction: "<edgeDirection?>",
          load_id: <boolean?>
      Method Param Description Optional
      project() <projectName> Name of the projection. Each distributed projection name within a database must be unique and cannot duplicate the name of any HDC projection of the same graphset. No
      Config map nodes Specifies nodes to project based on schemas and properties. The _uuid is loaded by default, while _id is configurable with load_id. Sets to "*": ["*"] to load all nodes. Yes
      edges Specifies edges to project based on schemas and properties. All system properties are loaded by default. Sets to "*": ["*"] to load all edges. Yes
      direction Since each edge is physically stored twice - as an incoming edge along its destination node and an outgoing edge with its source node - you can choose to project only incoming edges with in, only outgoing edges with out, or both with undirected (the default setting). Please note that in or out restricts graph traversal during computation to the specified direction. No
      load_id Sets to false to project nodes without _id values to save the memory space; it defaults to true. Yes

      To project the entire current graphset to its shard servers as distGraph:

      create().project("distGraph", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]}, 
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true

      To project @account and @movie nodes with selected properties and incoming @rate edges in the current graphset to its shard servers as distGraph_1, while omitting nodes' _id values:

      create().project("distGraph_1", {
        nodes: {
          "account": ["name", "gender"],
          "movie": ["name", "year"]
        edges: {"rate": ["*"]},
        direction: "in",
        load_id: false

      Dropping a Distributed Projection

      You can drop any distributed projection of the current graphset from the shard servers using the drop().project() statement.

      The following example deletes the distributed projection named distGraph_1:


      Example Graph and Projection

      To create the graph, execute each of the following UQL queries sequentially in an empty graphset:

      create().edge_property(@link, "weight", float)
      insert().into(@link).edges([{_from:"A", _to:"B", weight:1},{_from:"A", _to:"C", weight:1.5},{_from:"A", _to:"D", weight:0.5},{_from:"B", _to:"C", weight:2},{_from:"C", _to:"D", weight:0.5}])

      To create a distributed projection distGraph of the entire graph:

      create().project("distGraph", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]}, 
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true

      Executing Algorithms

      Distributed projections run distributed algorithms. Distributed algorithms run in File and DB writeback modes with the syntax algo().params().write(). In the params() method, you must include the parameter project to specify the name of the projection.

      File Writeback

      Runs the Degree Centrality algorithm on distGraph to compute the out-degree of all nodes and write the results back to a file degree.txt:

        project: "distGraph",
        return_id_uuid: "id",
        direction: "out"
        file: {
          filename: "degree.txt"



      DB Writeback

      Runs the Degree Centrality algorithm on distGraph to compute the out-degree of all nodes and write the results back to the node property degree:

        project: "distGraph",
        return_id_uuid: "id",
        direction: "out"
        db: {
          property: "degree"

      Graph Traversal Direction

      If a distributed projection is created with the direction option set to in or out, graph traversal is restricted to incoming or outgoing edges, respectively. Algorithms attempting to traverse in the missing direction throws errors or yields empty results.

      To create a distributed projection distGraph_in_edges of the graph with nodes and incoming edges:

      create().project("distGraph_in_edges", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]}, 
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "in",
        load_id: true

      The Degree Centrality algorithm computes the out-degree of all nodes on distGraph_in_edges, they are all 0:

        project: "distGraph_in_edges",
        return_id_uuid: "id",
        direction: "out"
        file: {
          filename: "degree.txt"


      Exclusion of Node IDs

      If a distributed projection is created with the load_id option set to false, it does not contain the _id values for nodes. Algorithms referencing _id throws errors or yields empty results. In algorithm writeback files, _id values are replaced with _uuid values instead.

      To create a distributed projection distGraph_no_id of the graph without nodes' _id values:

      create().project("distGraph_no_id", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]}, 
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: false

      The Degree Centrality algorithm computes the degree of all nodes on distGraph_no_id and writes the results back to a file degree.txt, nodes' _id are replaced with _uuid:

        project: "distGraph_no_id",
        return_id_uuid: "id"
        file: {
          filename: "degree.txt"


      Exclusion of Properties

      If a distributed projection is created without certain properties, algorithms referencing those properties throws errors or yields empty results.

      To create a distributed projection distGraph_no_weight of the graph containing nodes and only system properties of edges:

      create().project("distGraph_no_weight", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]}, 
        edges: {"link": []},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true

      The Degree Centrality algorithm computes the degree of all nodes weighted by the edge property @link.weight on distGraph_no_weight, error occurs as the weight property is missing:

        project: "distGraph_no_weight",
        edge_property: "@link.weight"
        file: {
          filename: "degree.txt"
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