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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Database caching is a performance enhancement technique that stores frequently accessed data in high-speed memory, reducing reliance on slower disk storage and significantly improving query response times.

      Preloading data into caches before the database is actively used is known as a warm-up. Without warming up, data is only loaded into caches when it is first accessed by a query, which can cause delays in performance until the data is cached.

      Cache data is temporarily stored in memory and is cleared either when the server restarts or through manual clearance. After a restart, caches can be reloaded using the warm-up operation, or when the data is accessed by a query, as long as the corresponding cache type is enabled.

      Cache Types

      Caches can store various types of data. Ultipa supports the following cache types:

      • Graph cache: Contains the graph topology, speeding up graph traversal.
      • Node cache: Includes the LTE-ed node properties, accelerating node filtering.
      • Edge cache: Includes the LTE-ed edge properties, accelerating edge filtering.

      Cache Sizes and Eviction Strategies

      The cache sizes for graph, node, and edge caches are defined by graph_cache_size, node_cache_size, and edge_cache_size settings. Once a cache reaches its size limit, data is evicted according to the selected strategy. The graph cache can use one of three strategies: lru, unlimited, or noeviction, while node and edge caches default to lru. These settings are configured in the Server Configurations.

      Cache Type Status

      You can view the status of a cache type for all shard servers using the cache.<cacheType>.status() statement.

      // Views graph cache status
      // Views node cache status
      // Views edge cache status

      It returns tables _cache_shard_1, _cache_shard_2 and so on. Each table _cache_shard_<N> contains information about the cache type for the shard with id <N>, and includes the following fields:

      status Current state of the cache type, which can be On or Off.
      cache_size The allocated maximum size (in MB) for the cache type, i.e., the graph_cache_size, node_cache_size, or edge_cache_size defined in Server Configurations.

      Turning On a Cache Type

      You can turn on a cache type for all shard servers using the cache.<cacheType>.turnOn() statement. This operation runs as a job, you may run show().job(<id?>) afterward to verify the success of the completion.

      This operation aligns with the enable_graph_cache, enable_node_cache, and enable_edge_cache settings defined in Server Configurations. Note that these settings will revert to their original configuration upon server restart.

      // Enables graph cache for all leader replicas across all graphsets
      // Enables graph cache for both leader and follower replicas across all graphsets
      cache.graph.turnOn({followers: true})
      // Enables node cache for all leader replicas across all graphsets
      // Enables node cache for both leader and follower replicas across all graphsets
      cache.node.turnOn({followers: true})
      // Enables edge cache for all leader replicas across all graphsets
      // Enables edge cache for both leader and follower replicas across all graphsets
      cache.edge.turnOn({followers: true})

      Turning Off a Cache Type

      You can turn off a specific cache type for all shard servers using the cache.<cacheType>.turnOff() statement.

      This operation aligns with the enable_graph_cache, enable_node_cache, and enable_edge_cache settings defined in Server Configurations. Note that these settings will revert to their original configuration upon server restart.

      // Disables graph cache for all leader replicas across all graphsets
      // Disables graph cache for both leader and follower replicas across all graphsets
      cache.graph.turnOff({followers: true})
      // Disables node cache for all leader replicas across all graphsets
      // Disables node cache for both leader and follower replicas across all graphsets
      cache.node.turnOff({followers: true})
      // Disables edge cache for all leader replicas across all graphsets
      // Disables edge cache for both leader and follower replicas across all graphsets
      cache.edge.turnOff({followers: true})

      Warming Up

      You can load data from the current graphset into caches using the cache.<cacheType>.warmup() statement. The warm-up runs as a job, you may run show().job(<id?>) afterward to verify the success of the completion. This operation consumes memory and can only be performed when the corresponding cache type is enabled.

      // Loads graph topology into cache for the leader replica
      // Loads graph topology into cache for both leader and follower replicas
      cache.graph.warmup({followers: true})
      // Loads all LTE-ed node properties into cache for the leader replica
      // Loads all LTE-ed node properties into cache for both leader and follower replicas
      cache.node.warmup({followers: true})
      // Loads all LTE-ed edge properties into cache for the leader replica
      // Loads all LTE-ed edge properties into cache for both leader and follower replicas
      cache.edge.warmup({followers: true})

      Clearing Cache

      You can clear cache of the current graphset using the cache.<cacheType>.clear() statement. This operation frees up memory.

      // Clears graph topology from cache for the leader replica
      // Clears graph topology from cache for both leader and follower replicas
      cache.graph.clear({followers: true})
      // Clears all LTE-ed node properties from cache for the leader replica
      // Clears all LTE-ed node properties from cache for both leader and follower replicas
      cache.node.clear({followers: true})
      // Clears all LTE-ed edge properties from cache for the leader replica
      // Clears all LTE-ed edge properties from cache for both leader and follower replicas
      cache.edge.clear({followers: true})

      Server Configurations

      The caching settings are located in the ComputeEngine section of each shard server' configuration file. The following related items control how different types of caches are managed, including enabling or disabling caches, setting cache sizes, and defining eviction policies:

      engine_type default Sets the engine type to either default or speed.
      enable_graph_cache false Whether to turn on graph cache on server restart.
      graph_cache_size 1024 Maximum size (in MB) of each graph cache bucket; only valid with default engine type.
      graph_cache_bucket_number 1024 Number of buckets for storing graph cache; only valid with default engine type.
      graph_cache_max_memory_policy lru Eviction strategy for maximum graph cache memory; only valid with default engine type. Options:
      • lru (Least Recently Used): Prioritizes frequent data in cache, consuming more memory.
      • unlimited: Stores all edge data (excl. properties) in memory with minimum memory usage; it may lead to out-of-memory errors.
      • noeviction: A safe version of unlimited that stops adding data to memory once the graph_cache_size is reached, balacing memory use.
      enable_node_cache false Whether to turn on node cache on server restart; only valid with default engine type.
      node_cache_size 1024 Maximum size (in MB) for node cache; only valid with default engine type; eviction strategy for maximum node cache memory is lru.
      enable_edge_cache false Whether to turn on edge cache on server restart; only valid with default engine type.
      edge_cache_size 1024 Maximum size (in MB) for edge cache; only valid with default engine type; eviction strategy for maximum edge cache memory is lru.
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