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      Statement autonet().src().dest().depth() can find and return paths from a group of initial-nodes to a group of terminal-nodes. It is a batch processing of A-B path query by paring initial-nodes and terminal-nodes for each query, hence its parameter limit() is limiting the maximum returns of each A-B query other than the Autonet query.

      Determined by the usage of parameter dest(), autonet query works in two modes:

      a) Inter-group Networking (when setting dest())

      • N nodes from one group pairing with M nodes from another group
      • N * M times of A-B path query
      • When the parameter limit(n) is carried and the value of n is not -1, maximum n * N * M paths will be found

      b) Intra-group Networking (when omitting dest())

      • N nodes from one group pairing with each other:
      • N(N-1)/2 times of A-B path query
      • When the parameter limit(n) is carried and the value of n is not -1, maximum n * N(N-1)/2 paths will be found
      Inter-group Networking (Left image) and Intra-group Networking (Right image)
      (Each Line represents an A-B query execution)


      • Statement alias: supported (PATH)
      • All parameters:
      Parameter Type Specification Description Structure of Custom Alias
      src() Filter Mandatory The filtering rules of the start node NODE
      dest() Filter The filtering rules of the end node NODE
      depth() Range Mandatory To set the depth of the path
      depth(N): N edges
      depth(:N): 1~N edges
      depth(M:N): M~N edges
      depth(N).shortest(): the shortest path within N edges
      Not supported
      shortest() / / To return the shortest paths Not supported
      node_filter() Filter The filtering rules that nodes other than src and dest need to satisfy Not supported
      edge_filter() Filter The filtering rules that all edges need to satisfy Not supported
      direction() String left, right To specify the direction of the edge Not supported
      no_circle() / / To dismiss the paths with circles; see Basic Concept - Terminologies for the definition of circle Not supported
      limit() Int -1 or >=0 Number of results of each A-B query to return, -1 means to return all results Not supported

      Inter-group Networking

      N steps

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Customer CU001 and CU002, return two 5-step paths for each node pair

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CU001","CU002"]}).depth(5)
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      1~N steps

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Customer CU001 and CU002, return 2 paths for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CU001","CU002"]}).depth(:5)
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      M~N steps

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Customer CU001 and CU002, return 2 paths for each node pair within 3~5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CU001","CU002"]}).depth(3:5)
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      Non-weighted Shortest Path

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Customer CU001 and CU002, return 2 shortest paths for each node pair within 5 edges

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CU001","CU002"]}).depth(5)
        .shortest().limit(2) as p
      return p{*}


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Customer CU001 and CU002, return 2 paths that do not contain @card nodes for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CU001","CU002"]}).depth(:5)
        .node_filter({!@card}).limit(2) as p
      return p{*}


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Customer CU001 and CU002, return 2 paths that do not contain @transfer edges for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CU001","CU002"]}).depth(:5)
        .edge_filter({!@transfer}).limit(2) as p
      return p{*}


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Card CA022 and CA029, return 2 paths in the right direction (outbound) for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CA022","CA029"]}).depth(:5)
        .direction(right).limit(2) as p
      return p


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Card CA022 and CA029, return 2 paths in the left direction (inbound) for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CA022","CA029"]}).depth(:5)
        .direction(left).limit(2) as p
      return p


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Card CA022 and CA029, return 2 non-circular paths for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CA022","CA029"]}).depth(:5)
        .no_circle().limit(2) as p
      return p


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003, to Customer CU001 and CU002, return 10 paths within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).dest({_id in ["CU001","CU002"]}).depth(5) as p
      limit 10 
      return p{*}

      Intra-group Networking

      N steps

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return two 5-step paths for each node pair

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(5)
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      1~N steps

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 paths for each node pair within 1~5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(:5)
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      M~N steps

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 paths for each node pair within 3~5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(3:5)
        .limit(2) as p
      return p{*}

      Non-weighted Shortest Path

      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 shortest paths for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(5)
        .shortest().limit(2) as p
      return p{*}


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 paths that do not contain @card nodes for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(:5)
        .node_filter({!@card}).limit(2) as p
      return p{*}


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 paths that do not contain @transfer edges for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(:5)
        .edge_filter({!@transfer}).limit(2) as p
      return p{*}


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 paths in the right direction (outbound) for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(:5)
        .direction(right).limit(2) as p
      return p


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 paths in the left direction (inbound) for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(:5)
        .direction(left).limit(2) as p
      return p


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 2 non-circular paths for each node pair within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(:5)
        .no_circle().limit(2) as p
      return p


      Example: Autonet Card CA001, CA002, and CA003 to each other, return 10 paths within 5 steps

        .src({_id in ["CA001","CA002","CA003"]}).depth(5) as p
      limit 10 
      return p{*}
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