✓ File Writeback ✕ Property Writeback ✓ Direct Return ✓ Stream Return ✕ Stats
The Topological Link Prediction algorithm employs various metrics to assess the similarity between pairs of nodes, leveraging the topological attributes of nodes. A higher similarity score implies a greater likelihood of future connectivity between two nodes (which are not connected yet).
The Total Neighbors algorithm computes the total number of distinct neighbors of two nodes as a measure of their similarity.
This algorithm takes into account the entire neighborhood of both nodes, giving a more comprehensive view of their similarity compared to algorithms that only focus on common neighbors. It is computed using the following formula:
where N(x) and N(y) are the sets of adjacent nodes to nodes x and y respectively.
More total neighbors indicate greater similarity between nodes, while a number of 0 indicates no similarity between two nodes.
In this example, TN(D,E) = |N(D) ∪ N(E)| = |{B, C, E, F} ∪ {B, D, F}| = |{B, C, D, E, F}| = 5.
- The Total Neighbors algorithm ignores the direction of edges but calculates them as undirected edges.
- Command:
- Parameters:
Name |
Type |
Spec |
Default |
Optional |
Description |
ids / uuids | []_id / []_uuid |
/ | / | No | ID/UUID of the first set of nodes to calculate; each node in ids /uuids will be paired with each node in ids2 /uuids2 |
ids2 / uuids2 | []_id / []_uuid |
/ | / | No | ID/UUID of the second set of nodes to calculate; each node in ids /uuids will be paired with each node in ids2 /uuids2 |
type | string | Total_Neighbors |
Adamic_Adar |
No | Type of similarity; for Total Neighbors, keep it as Total_Neighbors |
limit | int | >=-1 | -1 |
Yes | Number of results to return, -1 to return all results |
The example graph is as follows:
File Writeback
Spec | Content |
filename | node1 ,node2 ,num |
uuids: [3],
uuids2: [1,5,7],
type: 'Total_Neighbors'
filename: 'tn'
Results: File tn
Direct Return
Alias Ordinal | Type | Description |
Columns |
0 | []perNodePair | Node pair and its similarity | node1 , node2 , num |
ids: 'C',
ids2: ['A','C','E','G'],
type: 'Total_Neighbors'
}) as tn
return tn
Results: tn
node1 | node2 | num |
3 | 1 | 3 |
3 | 5 | 3 |
3 | 7 | 3 |
Stream Return
Alias Ordinal | Type | Description |
Columns |
0 | []perNodePair | Node pair and its similarity | node1 , node2 , num |
find().nodes() as n
with collect(n._id) as nID
ids: 'C',
ids2: nID,
type: 'Total_Neighbors'
}).stream() as tn
where tn.num >= 4
return tn
Results: tn
node1 | node2 | num |
3 | 2 | 6 |
3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | 6 | 5 |