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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Alias Structs


      Using methods get() and alias() of Response will return class DataItem.

      DataItem has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      asNodes() List<Node> convert DataItem of NODE type to List<Node>
      asFirstNode() Node acquire the first Node from DataItem of NODE type, equivalent of asNodes().get(0)
      asEdges() List<Edge> convert DataItem of EDGE type to List<Edge>
      asFirstEdge() Edge acquire the first Edge from DataItem of EDGE type, equivalent of asEdges().get(0)
      asPaths() List<Path> convert DataItem of PATH type to List<Path>
      asGraphs() List<Graph> convert DataItem with alias _graph to List<Graph>
      asSchemas() List<Schema> convert DataItem with alias _nodeSchema or _edgeSchema to List<Schema>
      asProperties() List<Property> convert DataItem with alias _nodeProperty or _edgeProperty to List<Property>
      asAlgos() List<Algo> convert DataItem with alias _algoList to List<Algo>
      asTable() Table convert DataItem of TABLE type to Table
      asAttr() Attr convert DataItem of ATTR type to Attr
      toJson() String convert DataItem of any type to json formatted string

      It is also legal to convert DataItem with alias _graph, _nodeSchema, _edgeSchema, etc., to Table using method asTable().


      Node has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      id String Node ID
      uuid Long Node UUID
      schema String Node Schema
      values Value Node customer properties

      Node has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getID() String acquire ID of current Node
      getUUID() Long acquire UUID of current Node
      getSchema() String acquire Schema of current Node
      getValues() Value acquire Values (custom properties) of current Node
      get(String propName) Object acquire a custom property of current Node
      set(String propName, Object propValue) set a custom property of current Node, or add KV pair if 'propName' is not an existing key
      toJson() String convert current Node to json formatted string
      toString() String convert current Node to string

      Example: Send UQL query for a node list, print the ID of 2nd node, and set 'rating' of the 1st node to 8

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("find().nodes({@movie}) as nodes return nodes{*} limit 5");
              List<Node> nodeList = res.alias("nodes").asNodes();
              Node firstNode = res.alias("nodes").asFirstNode();
              System.out.println("ID of 2nd node is: " + nodeList.get(1).getID());
              System.out.println("rating of 1st node was: " + firstNode.get("rating"));
              System.out.println("rating of 1st node now is: " + firstNode.get("rating"));


      ID of 2nd node is: ULTIPA80000000000003EA
      rating of 1st node was: 9
      rating of 1st node now is: 8


      Edge has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      uuid Long Edge UUID
      fromUuid Long Edge start node UUID
      toUuid Long Edge end node UUID
      from String Edge start node ID
      to String Edge end node ID
      schema String Edge Schema
      values Value Edge customer properties

      Edge has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getUUID() Long acquire UUID of current Edge
      getFromUUID() Long acquire UUID of start node of current Edge
      getToUUID() Long acquire UUID of end node of current Edge
      getFrom() String acquire ID of start node of current Edge
      getTo() String acquire ID of end node of current Edge
      getSchema() String acquire Schema of current Edge
      getValues() Value acquire Values (custom properties) of current Edge
      get(String propName) Object acquire a custom property of current Edge
      set(String propName, Object propValue) set a custom property of current Edge, or add KV pair if 'propName' is not an existing key
      toJson() String convert current Edge to json formatted string
      toString() String convert current Edge to string

      Example: Send UQL query for an edge list, print the ID of the start node of the 2nd edge, and add 'time' for the 1st edge and set to '2022-04-13 09:23:24'

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("find().edges({@default}) as edges return edges{*} limit 5");
              List<Edge> edgeList = res.alias("edges").asEdges();
              Edge firstEdge = res.alias("edges").asFirstEdge();
              System.out.println("ID of start node of 2nd edge is: " + edgeList.get(1).getFrom());
              System.out.println("time of 1st edge was: " + firstEdge.get("time"));
              firstEdge.set("time",Timestamp.valueOf("2022-04-13 09:23:24"));
              System.out.println("time of 1st edge now is: " + firstEdge.get("time"));


      ID of start node of 2nd edge is: ULTIPA8000000000000001
      time of 1st node was: null
      time of 1st node now is: 2022-04-13 09:23:24.0


      Path has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      nodes List<Node> Node list of Path
      edges List<Edge> Edge list of Path
      nodeSchemas Map<String, Schema> Map of all node schemas of Path
      edgeSchemas Map<String, Schema> Map of all edge schemas of Path

      Path has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      length() int acquire length of current Path, namely the number of Edge
      getNodes() List<Node> acquire Node list of current Path
      getEdges() List<Edge> acquire Edge list of current Path
      toJson() String convert current Path to json formatted string
      toString() String convert current Path to string

      Example: Send UQL query for a path list, print the 2nd node of the 1st path

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("n().e()[2].n() as paths return paths{*} limit 3");
              List<Path> pathList = res.alias("paths").asPaths();
              System.out.println("the 2nd node in the 1st path: " + pathList.get(0).getNodes().get(1).toJson());


      the 2nd node in the 1st path: {"name":"Meng","industry":"Construction","gender":"female","year":1982,"_uuid":20,"_id":"ULTIPA8000000000000014","schema":"account"}


      Graph has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      id int Graph ID
      name String Graph name
      description String Graph description
      totalNodes long Graph total number of nodes
      totalEdges long Graph total number of edges
      status String Graph status (MOUNTED or UNMOUNTED)

      Graph has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getId() int acquire current Graph ID
      getName() String acquire current Graph name
      getDescription() String acquire current Graph description
      getTotalNodes() long acquire current Graph total number of nodes
      getTotalEdges() long acquire current Graph total number of edges
      getStatus() String acquire current Graph status

      Example: Send UQL query for a graph list, print the name of the 3rd graph

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("show().graph()");
              List<Graph> graphList = res.alias("_graph").asGraphs();
              System.out.println("name of 3rd graph is: " + graphList.get(2).getName());


      name of 3rd graph is: miniCircle


      Schema has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      name String Schema name
      description String Schema description
      properties List<Property> Property list of Schema
      dbType Ultipa.DBType Schema type (Node or Edge)
      total int Schema total number of nodes/edges

      Schema has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getName() String acquire current Schema name
      getDescription() String acquire current Schema description
      getProperties() List<Property> acquire Property list of current Schema
      getDbType() Ultipa.DBType acquire current Schema type
      getTotal() int acquire current Schema total number of nodes/edges
      toString() String convert current Schema to string

      Example: Send UQL query for a node schema list, print the number of nodes of the 3rd node schema

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("show().node_schema()");
              List<Schema> schemaList = res.alias("_nodeSchema").asSchemas();
              System.out.println("3rd node schema is: " + schemaList.get(2).toString());
              System.out.println("number of nodes of 3rd node schema is: " + schemaList.get(2).getTotal());


      3rd node schema is: Schema(name=country, description=, properties=[Property(name=name, propertyType=null, type=string, lte=false, schema=null, description=, ignored=false)], dbType=DBNODE, total=23)
      number of nodes of 3rd node schema is: 23


      Property has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      name String Property name
      description String Property description
      schema String Property Schema
      type String Property data type
      lte Boolean Property LTE status (true or false)

      Property has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getName() String acquire current Property name
      getDescription() String acquire current Property description
      getSchema() String acquire current Property Schema
      getType() String acquire current Property data type
      getLte() Boolean acquire current Property LTE status
      toString() String convert current Property to string

      Example: Send UQL query for a node property list, print the LTE information of the 3rd node property

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("show().node_property()");
              List<Property> propertyList = res.alias("_nodeProperty").asProperties();
              System.out.println("3rd node property is: " + propertyList.get(2).toString());
              System.out.println("lte of 3rd node property is: " + propertyList.get(2).getLte());


      3rd node property is: Property(name=timestamp, propertyType=TIMESTAMP, type=timestamp, lte=false, schema=movie, description=, ignored=false)
      lte of 3rd node property is: false


      Algo has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      name String Algo name
      desc String Algo description
      version String Algo version
      params Map<String, AlgoParam> Algo parameters

      Algo has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getName() String acquire current Algo name
      getDesc() String acquire current Algo description
      getVersion() String acquire current Algo version
      getParams() Map<String, AlgoParam> acquire current Algo parameters
      toString() String convert current Algo to string

      Example: Send UQL query for an installed algorithm list, print the name and version of the 3rd algorithm

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("show().algo()");
              List<Algo> algoList = res.alias("_algoList").asAlgos();
              System.out.println("3rd algorithm is: " + algoList.get(2).toString());
              System.out.println("name of 3rd algorithm is: " + algoList.get(2).getName());
              System.out.println("version of 3rd algorithm is: " + algoList.get(2).getVersion());


      3rd algorithm is: Algo(name=random_walk_struc2vec, desc={"name":"struc2vec walk","description":"struc2vec walk to generate the sample data for next-step training","version":"1.0.1","parameters":{"walk_length":"size_t,required","walk_num":"size_t,required","k":"size_t,required","stay_probability":"float,required","ids":"nodes","limit":"optional,-1 for all results, >=0 partial results"},"write_to_file_parameters":{"filename":"set file name"},"result_opt":"25"}, version=null, params=null)
      name of 3rd algorithm is: random_walk_struc2vec
      version of 3rd algorithm is: null


      Table has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      tableName String Table alias
      headers List<Header> Table headers
      rows List<List<Object>> Table rows

      Table has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getTableName() String acquire current Table alias
      getHeaders() List<Header> acquire current Table headers
      getRows() List<List<Object>> acquire current Table rows
      toJson() String convert current Table to json formatted string
      toKV() List<Value> convert current Table to KV list

      Example: Send UQL query for a table, print the 2nd row:

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("find().nodes({@account}) limit 5 return table(nodes.gender, nodes.year) as myTable");
              Table table = res.alias("myTable").asTable();
              System.out.println("2nd row is: " + table.getRows().get(1));


      2nd row is: [female, 1989]


      Attr has below fields:

      Field Type Description
      name String Attr alias
      values List<Object> Attr rows
      type Ultipa.PropertyType Attr type

      Attr has below methods:

      Method Type Description
      getName() String acquire current Attr alias
      getValues() List<Object> acquire current Attr list
      getType() Ultipa.PropertyType acquire current Attr rows
      toJson() String convert current Attr to json formatted string

      Example: Send UQL query for an attribute list, print the 2nd attribute

      public class Main {
          public static void main(String[] args) {
              // omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
              Response res = conn.uql("find().nodes({@account}) as nodes return nodes.industry as myAttr limit 5");
              Attr attr = res.alias("myAttr").asAttr();
              System.out.println("all attrs are: " + attr.getValues());
              System.out.println("2nd attr is: " + attr.getValues().get(1));


      all attrs are: [Manufacturing, Health, Other, Education, Publishing]
      2nd attr is: Health
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