Change Password

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Please enter the password. Between 8-64 characters. Not identical to your email address. Contain at least 3 of: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Manage Instance

      Users can click "Action" to manage their instances. If the instance runs into any problems, please visit Ultipa Q&A Platform or contact Ultipa Support Team to ask for help.

      Diagram: Instance Actions


      To start a stopped instance, click "start" and the instance will be put into initialization status which may take few moments to complete.

      Diagram: Start an Instance


      Note: When an instance is stopped, users will only be charged for storage usage.

      When users need to stop an instance, click "Stop" and the instance will be put into stopping status which may take few minutes to take effect.

      Diagram: Stop an Instance


      If to restart an instance, users need to click "Restart" to start the instance again and the instance's starting status may take few moments.

      Diagram: Restart an Instance


      Reset Root Account Password

      Root account's password for an active instance can be reset in instance configurations. Click "Reset Password" under account setting, enter verification code sent to registered email address:

      Diagram: Reset Root Account Password


      To backup present data in an active instance, click "backup" and confirm your action in the popup window.

      Diagram: Create a Backup

      Users can backup an instance for multiple times and add tags to backups for differetiation, or refer to created_time and size.

      Diagram: Add a Tag to New Backup


      To recover a backup, users need to find the backup based on its detailed information: tag, created_time, and size; click "Recover" and confirm this action in the popup window.

      Diagram: Recover a Backup

      Note: After recovered to a backup version, the instance will be automatically restarted.


      To empty an instance means to delete all existing data in an active instance. Click "Configure", then click "Empty", then enter instance name to confirm this action:

      Diagram: Delete Instance Data

      Note: "Empty" does not clear backups, users can recover instance data to a selected backup version.

      Change Instance Size

      Ultipa Cloud instances are dynamically resizable. To change the instance size, users need to stop the instance first, click "Configure", then click "Change Instance Size", and select another region or instance type for updates:

      Diagram: Change Instance Size

      Note: After changing instance size, the instance will be automatically restarted.

      Change Storage Size

      Users can hot-upgrade an active instance's storage size in Ultipa Cloud. To change the storage size, users can click "Configure", then click "Change Storage Size", drag or enter a number for new storage size, then click "Update" to take effect:

      Diagram: Change Instance Size

      Load Samples

      Users can load a sample graphset to their instances for trying out Ultipa Cloud.

      Click "Load Samples", select a sample graphset, and click "Load Sample Graphset" as shown below.

      Diagram: Load Sample Graphset

      Then the instance status will show "Updating" until loading is completed.

      Diagram: Clone Loading Sample Graphset

      Then users can connect to Ultipa CLI or Ultipa Manager and start to experiment on the loaded sample in Ultipa Cloud. For connecting to Ultipa CLI and Ultipa Manager, please refer to Connect to Ultipa Tools.

      Diagram: Use Sample Graphset in Ultipa Manager


      "Clone" allows users to create a new instance by reusing an existing instance's configuration information, including region, instance type, CPU, memory, storage, and so on as shown below. It is not meant to duplicate existing instance data but to perform a quick setup of a completely new instance.

      Users can click the pencil icon after "Instance" and "Configuration" to modify for the clone instance.

      If users do not give a name to the clone instance by modifying "Configuration", system will generate a name with a naming convention combined of the following: the first four characters from the existing instance's name, C (stands for "Clone"), and a random number for distinguishment. For example, "My 1st Instance"'s clone instance name could be "My 1_C031562".

      Diagram: Clone an Instance

      However, each instance requires an independent root password, which cannot be cloned from the existing instance, so users need to go to "Account Setting" to set a new password for this new instance. After reviewing all the information, the clone instance could be started.

      Diagram: Start the Clone Instance


      Warning: To terminate an instance means to delete target instance and its data contained completely, which is irrevocable and unrecoverable.

      If users decide to terminate an instance, click "Terminate" and input the instance name to confirm the action.

      Diagram: Terminate an Instance

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