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      The WHERE clause can be used to apply filters within a graph pattern in the MATCH statement. It supports a host of search conditions, and multiple conditions can be combined into a logical expression using operators like AND, OR, NOT, and XOR.

      <where clause> ::= "WHERE" <search condition>
      <search condition> ::= <boolean value expression>

      GQL supports three WHERE clauses:

      1. Element pattern WHERE clause
      2. Parenthesized path WHERE clause
      3. Graph pattern WHERE clause

      The element pattern WHERE clause and parenthesized path pattern WHERE clause can be viewed as prefilters applied before selection; while the graph pattern WHERE clause as postfilters applied after selection.

      Element Pattern WHERE Clause

      You can use the WHERE clause within an element pattern as a predicate to apply conditions.

      The element pattern WHERE clause offers more search conditions compared to the element property specification, which only allows applying joint equalities based on key-value pairs for properties.

      In this query, the WHERE clause is used within a node pattern to filter nodes labeled Card where the property level is greater than 3:

      MATCH p = (c:Card WHERE c.level > 3)-[:Transfers]->()
      RETURN p

      In this query, the WHERE clause is used within an edge pattern to filter edges that have properties amount and currency, and ensure their values meet specified conditions:

      MATCH p = (:Card)-[t WHERE t.amount > 10000 AND t.currency = 'USD']->()
      RETURN p

      This query throws a syntax error because amount is used as if it were a variable, but it has not been declared. To specify a property in the WHERE clause, you must use the dot operator . to reference it, like (n:Card WHERE n.amount > 100).

      MATCH p = (:Card WHERE amount > 100)-[]->()
      RETURN p

      This query throws a syntax error because you cannot use property specification and WHERE clause together in an element pattern. Instead, you may write (n:Paper WHERE = "Alex" AND n.score > 5).

      MATCH (n:Paper {author: "Alex"} WHERE n.score > 5)
      RETURN n

      Parenthesized Path Pattern WHERE Clause

      You can use the WHERE clause within a parenthesized path pattern as a predicate to apply conditions.

      In this query, the WHERE clause is used in a parenthesized path pattern to filter each edge contained in the quantified paths:

      MATCH p = ((:Card)-[t:Transfers]->(:Card) WHERE t.amount > 200){1,3}
      RETURN p

      Using the WHERE clause in a quantified path pattern is not yet supported.

      Graph Pattern WHERE Clause

      You can use the WHERE clause as a predicate to the graph pattern to apply conditions.

      In this query, the WHERE clause is used to filter people, each of them lives in and is from the same city:

      MATCH (p:Person)-[:LivesIn]->(c1:City),
      WHERE c1 = c2
      RETURN p
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