This section contains a summary of all functions supported in GQL.
Database Functions
Function |
Description |
cardinality() | Returns the number of elements in a collection. |
element_id() | Gets the unique identifier _uuid of a graph element. |
labels() | Gets the label of a graph element. |
Path Functions
Function |
Description |
path_length() | Returns the number of edges in a path. |
pedges() | Collects edges in a path into a list. |
pnodes() | Collects nodes in a path into a list. |
Aggregate Functions
Function |
Description |
avg() | Computes the average of a set of numeric values. |
collect_list() | Collects a set of values into a list. |
count() | Returns the number of rows in the input. |
max() | Returns the maximum value in a set of values. |
min() | Returns the minimum value in a set of values. |
percentile_cont() | Computes the continuous percentile value over a set of numeric values. |
percentile_disc() | Computes the discrete percentile value over a set of numeric values. |
stddev_pop() | Computes the population standard deviation of a set of numeric values. |
stddev_samp() | Computes the sample standard deviation of a set of numeric values. |
sum() | Computes the sum of a set of numeric values. |
Mathematical Functions
Function |
Description |
abs() | Returns the absolute value of a given number. |
ceil() | Rounds a given number up to the nearest integer. |
exp() | Computes the value of Euler's number 𝑒 raised to the power of a given number. |
floor() | Rounds a given number down to the nearest integer. |
ln() | Computes the natural logarithm of a given number. |
log() | Computes the logarithm of a specified number with respect to a given base. |
log10() | Computes the base 10 logarithm of a given number. |
mod() | Computes the modulus, or the remainder when one number is divided by another. |
pi() | Returns the mathematical constant π (pi). |
power() | Raises a number to the power of another number. |
round() | Returns the nearest value of a given number, rounded to a specified position of digits. |
sqrt() | Computes the square root of a given number. |
Trigonometric Functions
Function |
Description |
acos() | Computes the angle in radians whose cosine is a given number. |
asin() | Computes the angle in radians whose sine is a given number. |
atan() | Computes the angle in radians whose tangent is a given number. |
cos() | Computes the cosine of an angle expressed in radian. |
cosh() | Computes the hyperbolic cosine of an angle expressed in radian. |
cot() | Computes the cotangent of an angle expressed in radian. |
degrees() | Converts an angle from radians to degrees. |
radians() | Converts an angle from degrees to radians. |
sin() | Computes the sine of an angle expressed in radian. |
sinh() | Computes the hyperbolic sine of an angle expressed in radian. |
tan() | Computes the tangent of an angle expressed in radian. |
tanh() | Computes the angle in radians whose cosine is a given number. |
String Functions
Function |
Description |
btrim() | Removes characters from both ends of a given string until encountering a character that is not contained in the specified set of characters. |
char_length() | Returns the number of characters in a string. |
left() | Returns a substring of the given string containing the specified number of leftmost characters. |
lower() | Converts all the characters in a given string to lowercase. |
ltrim() | Removes characters from the begining of a given string until encountering a character that is not contained in the specified set of characters. |
normalize() | Converts a string into a consistent format based on the normalization form specified. |
right() | Returns a substring of the given string containing the specified number of rightmost characters. |
rtrim() | Removes characters from the end of a given string until encountering a character that is not contained in the specified set of characters. |
trim() | Removes all the occurrences of the specified single character from either the leftmost, rightmost, or both ends of a given string. |
upper() | Converts all the characters in a given string to uppercase. |
List Functions
Function |
Description |
append() | Adds an element to the end of a list and returns the new list. |
difference() | Returns the difference between two lists. |
elements() | Returns a list containing the nodes and edges that make up a path. |
head() | Returns the first element in a list. |
intersection() | Returns the intersection of two lists. |
listContains() | Checks whether a specified element exists in a list. |
listUnion() | Returns the union of two lists. |
reduce() | Performs a calculation iteratively using each element in a list. |
size() | Returns the number of elements in a list. |
trim() | Removes a specified number of elements from the right end of the list. |
Cast Functions
Function |
Description |
cast() | Specifies a data conversion. |