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      This manual covers the usage of Ultipa Transporter (Go).

      Function Preview

      Ultipa Transporter is a command-line-based lightweight tool for fast import/export meta-data to/from the Ultipa Graph database. Batch import/export is supported in remote mode.

      A command-line can import or export multiple node files and edge files.

      Local operation (to be declared in local in the yml file) is executed against graphsets in a local Ultipa database. The directory of the local database server needs to be declared via parameter path (by default is './data').

      Local import operation is normally used for initializing the Ultipa server, in which case the Ultipa server should be stopped and there is no previous import executed.

      We strongly recommend the local import operation to be implemented under the supervision of a certified Ultipa Graph Database engineer.

      • Remote Operation (to be declared in server in the yml file)

      Remote operation is executed against graphsets in a remote Ultipa database. The IP and port of the remote database server should be declared via parameter host,as well as username and password if required.

      Node/Edge File

      Files carrying node/edge information (either exported or to be imported) are stored in the local directory. A file contains either nodes of a specific schema or edges of a specific schema; each row (except the header) in the file represents a node or an edge, and each column represents a property of the node/edge. Files to be imported can be encoded in the format of csv, tsv, txt, etc., and delimiters supported include ,, \t, |, ;. Files to be exported are in the format of csv with , as delimiter.

      Data contained in the files (either node or edge) should be declared via nodeConfig and edgeConfig. Format (and delimiter if contained) of all files in one operation should be consistent.

      Import Declaration

      Information that are consistent for all files (to be declared in settings in the yml file): delimiter separator, number of threads threads and so on, see settings introduced later for details. A csv or tsv file to import can have header or not, and the column name should be <property_name> or <property_name>:<property_type>.

      Information to be declared for each file (to be declared in nodeConfig, edgeConfig in the yml file): file directory file, schema of data - schema, start position of import skip, number of rows to import limit, and property list properties or types:

      (for csv or tsv file)

      • when the file is headerless, for each column in turn, use properties to:
        • declare property name and type using - name and type;
        • declare property name and type to 'string' using - name only;
        • when there are less - name than expected, columns will be omitted from the left;
      • when the file contains header, for some columns, use types to:
        • declare or modify property type using - name and type;
        • declare or modify property type to 'string' using - name only;
        • for columns whose - name does not appear, the property type will either be 'string' if the header is <property_name>, or be the <property_type> from the header if the header is <property_name>:<property_type>.

      Valid type are listed below:

      • _id, _uuid, _from, _to, _from_uuid, _to_uuid (for declaration of Ultipa system properties);
      • string, float, double, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, datetime, timestamp;
      • _ignore (for ignoring a column)

      The data type of properties declared should satisfy the data in the columns. A misparsing of data, reading a column of integers as strings for example, will be prompted as an error.

      Export Declaration

      Information that is consistent for all files (to be declared in settings in the yml file): the csv file directory outPath, whether to include header writeHeder (with <property_name>:<property_type> as the column name if includes header). Batch size is auto-defined and need not be set.

      Information to be declared for each file (to be declared in nodeConfig, edgeConfig in the yml file): schema of data - schema, property list (not including Ultipa system properties) properties. Ultipa system properties will always be exported and need no declaration.

      Metadata Knowledge

      Unique Identifier

      Node has two types of unique identifiers which are _id (32bit-string) and_uuid (uint64-integer); edge has therefore starting node as either _from or _from_uuid, and ending node as either _to or _to_uuid. Edge, on the other hand, has only one identifier _uuid. These six properties are Ultipa system properties.

      Import Mode

      When the import mode importMode is set to upsert or overwrite, a node/edge that already exists (meaning that its identifier is provided in the file and the identifier is found in the graphset) will update or overwrite its corresponding record in the graphset; otherwise (which is, either there is no identifier in the file, or the identifier is not found in the graphset) the node/edge will be inserted into the graphset as a new record.

      When the import mode importMode is set to insert, only new node/edge (either there is no identifier in the file, or the identifier is not found in the graphset) will be inserted; any identifier that already exists in the graphset will trigger error.

      The absence of _id or _uuid from the file will be automatically generated by the system up insertion.

      Special Requirements on Edges

      An edge file must contain starting node and ending node of edges.

      To successfully import edges, both ending nodes of the edges should already exist, otherwise the import will fail. In this case, set createNodeIfNotExist to 'true' and let the system create the non-existing ending nodes so as to import the edge.

      How does Transporter judge whether an ending node exists when importing edge files? During remote operation, Transporter will search the node file being imported in the same command line as well as the graphset for the ending nodes.

      What will happen if only system properties _from and _to are provided as unique identifiers of ending nodes, or only _from_uuid and _to_uuid are provided? During remote operation, Transporter will automatically project the other two system properties.


      Error Before Importing

      Error berfore importing is triggered when checking configuration in the yml file, creating graphset or creating schema. Possible causes:

      1. unconformity of the yml file content with yml format;
      2. parameter config error, such as property name or data type mismatching UQL specification;
      3. failure when creating graphset and/or schema;

      Error During Importing

      Error berfore importing is triggered when imporing data records into the server. Error types:

      1. server returned error;
      2. network error;
      3. data format error (inconsistency between declared file header and data columns);
      4. duplicated identifier (node or edge already exists under insert mode).

      By default when an error occurs during importing a data batch, the whole batch will be skipped and the operation will continue from the next batch; one can use parameter stopWhenError to make the import operation fully stop once an error occurs, without importing any later batches. The error type, skipped data rows (represented by the start row position and the total number of rows) will both be recorded in the log file, which is for easy re-import using parameters skip and limit.

      The 3rd type of error which is data format related occurs when:

      • in the case of a headerless file, the number of - name declared under properties is different than the number of columns in the file;
      • in the case of a file with header, some data columns have no column name, or some column names in the tail have no data.

      To avoid the 3rd type of error, set fitToHeader to 'true', and let Transporter import data columns according to the properties declared, which means columns without names will be ignored and names with no data will be taken as properties and filled with empty value or 0.

      Command and Parameters

      Ultipa Transporter has two tools --- ultipa-importer and ultipa-exporter --- and both have below parameters:

      Parameter Description
      --help Help
      --config <config_file_path> Path of the configuration file

      Example of Import:

      /opt/ultipa-transporter/ultipa-importer --config ./in.yml

      Example of Export:

      /opt/ultipa-transporter/ultipa-exporter --config ./out.yml

      Example of Help:

      /opt/ultipa-transporter/ultipa-exporter --help

      Configuration File

      Both import and export operations need a configuration file in yml format. There are four parts in a yml config file:

      • server
      • nodeConfig
      • edgeConfig
      • settings


      Parameter Specification Description
      host <ip>:<port> The IP and port of the remote server
      username string The username to log in to the remote server if required
      password string The password to log in to the remote server if required
      crt <file_path> The absolute path of the SSL certificate to communicate with the remote server, required when both servers are in SSL mode
      graphset string The graphset name, or take 'default' when not using this parameter; a non-existing graphset name will lead to failure, otherwise make Transporter auto-create the desired graphset as per instruction of yes under settings

      nodeConfig | edgeConfig

      Parameter Specification Operation Description
      - schema string Import/Export The schema of nodes/edges, must provide; a non-existing schema name will lead to failure; in the case of an import operation, make Transporter auto-create the desired schema as per instruction of yes under settings; in the case of an export operation, use '*' to declare all properties of all schemas
      file <file_path> Import The absolute path and name of the node file to import, such as '/opt/ultipa-server/import/amz/node.csv'
      skip int Import The number of records that will be skipped and not imported, from the beginning of the data file, or do not skip any data when not using this parameter
      limit int Import The number of records to import, or to import until the end of the file
      Import/Export Prompt that file columns are to be declared next, use properties when importing a headerless file or when exporting files, and use types when exporting a file with header; a - schema will no have properties and types simultaneously
      - name string Import/Export The name of a property, a non-existing property name will lead to failure; in the case of an import operation, make Transporter auto-create the desired property as per instruction of yes under settings
      type string Import The data type of a particular column, valid types are: string, int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, double, datetime and timestamp for custom properties; _id _uuid _from _to _from_uuid and _to_uuid for system properties; _ignore for omitting a column; take 'string' when not using this parameter; properties that already exist in the graphset need to be set with a data type consistent with the record in the graphset

      Note: Parameters with a dash '-' ('- schema' and '- name') and their sub-parameters carried can appear multiple times.



      Specification Operation Description
      logPath <path> Import The path of the log file during import operation, such as '/opt/ultipa-server/log/', or write to './log/' when not using this parameter
      separator string Import The delimiter that separates data fields in the file during an import operation, support ',' '\t' '|' and ';', or take ',' when not using this parameter
      threads int Import The maximum threads (an integer no less than 2) during an import operation, or take the number of CPU that runs the Transport when not using this parameter; 32 threads are recommended
      batchSize int Import The number of records in each batch during an import operation, valid from 500 to 10000; an integer of 100000/number_of_properties is recommended, or take 10000 when not using this parameter
      importMode string Import The mode of an import operation, support 'insert', ''upsert' and 'overwrite', or take 'insert' when not using this parameter
      createNodeIfNotExist bool Import Whether to create nodes for the non-existing _from, _to, _from_uuid or _to_uuid of edges, or leave them non-existing and their related edges un-imported
      stopWhenError bool Import Whether to terminate the import operation once an error occurs, or to skip the error data batch and continue with the next batch when not using this parameter
      yes bool Import Whether to auto-create graphset, schema and properties that do not exist; will set to 'false' when not using this parameter
      fitToHeader bool Import Whether to omit or fill up data columns according to the header in the data file or header configured in the yml file; the inconsistency between data columns and property header will trigger an error when not using this parameter
      writeHeader bool Export Whether to write header into the csv (or tsv) file during an export operation, or to write when not using this parameter, with column names in the form of <property>:<type>
      outPath <path> Export The path of the exported files, such as '/opt/ultipa-server/import/amz/', or write to './export/' when not using this parameter

      Note: exported files (node and edge) are automatically named, eg., node file will be named with format: <schema>.node.<file_type>, which can be 'default.node.csv'

      YML Samples

      Remote Import

      Example: Given the following 3 files, import them into a remote server.

      Node file-A (txt): @student, in which the proterty type of 'age' is mistakenly written as 'string'; please revise it into 'uint32' during import:


      Node file-B (txt): @course; please create an empty column for property 'professor':

      CS202104,Computer Principle and Application,4
      SH202127,Art of File and Television,2.5

      Edge file (csv): @enroll, in which the 1st column is stuNo number and the 2nd column is crsNo; please ignore the 3rd column when importing:


      Command line:

      ./ultipa-importer --config ./in.yml


        host: ""
        username: employee533
        password: joaedSSGsdf
        crt: ""
        graphset: test_graph
        - schema: student
          file: ./student.txt
            - name: age
              type: uint32
        - schema: course
          file: ./course.txt
            - name: title
            - name: professor
            - name: crsNo
              type: _id
            - name: credit
              type: float
        - schema: enroll
          file: ./enroll.csv
            - name: _from
              type: _from
            - name: _to
              type: _to
        separator: ","
        yes: true
        fitToHeader: true

      Remote Export

      Example: export from a remote database all node properties of @student, node properties _id and 'title' of @course, and all edge properties of all schemas.

      Command line:

      ./ultipa-exporter --config ./out.yml


        host: ""
        username: employee533
        password: joaedSSGsdf
        crt: ""
        graphset: test_graph
        - schema: student
        - schema: course
            - name: _id
            - name: title
        - schema: *
        writeHeader: false
        outPath: ./export/temp


      Q: What system environment supports running Transporter (GO Version)?

      A: Transporter (GO Version) is supported by MacOS, Windows and Linux. Make sure to place the node/edge file to be imported, the yml file and the importer/exporter under the same directory, and run the importer/exporter with command line tool.

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