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      The k-Means algorithm is a widely used clustering algorithm that aims to classify nodes in a graph into k clusters based on their similarity. The algorithm assigns each node to the cluster whose centroid is closest to it in terms of distance. The distance between a node and a centroid can be calculated using different distance metrics, such as Euclidean distance or cosine similarity.

      The concept of the k-Means algorithm dates back to 1957, but it was formally named and popularized by J. MacQueen in 1967:

      Since then, the algorithm has found applications in various domains, including vector quantization, clustering analysis, feature learning, computer vision, and more. It is often used as a preprocessing step for other algorithms or as a standalone method for exploratory data analysis.



      The centroid or geometric center of an object in an N-dimensional space is the mean position of all the points in all of the N coordinate directions.

      In the context of clustering algorithms like k-Means, a centroid refers to the geometric center of a cluster. By specifying several node properties as node features, centroid is the representative point that summarizes the features of the nodes within the cluster. To find the centroid of a cluster, the algorithm calculates the mean feature value for each dimension across all the nodes assigned to that cluster.

      The algorithm begins with k nodes as initial centroids, which can be specified manually or sampled randomly by the system.

      Distance Metrics

      Ultipa's k-Means algorithm computes distance between a node and a centroid through Euclidean Distance or Cosine Similarity.

      Clustering Iterations

      During each iterative process of k-Means, each node in the graph calculates its distance to each of the cluster centroids and is assigned to the cluster of minimum distance from it. After organizing all nodes into clusters, the centroids are updated by recalculating their values based on the nodes assigned to the respective clusters.

      The iteration ends when the clustering results stabilize to certain threshold, or the number of iterations reaches the limit.


      • The success of the k-Means algorithm depends on appropriately choosing the value of k and selecting appropriate distance metrics for the given problem. The selection of the initial centroids would also affect the final clustering results.
      • If there are two or more same centroids exist, only one of them will take effect while the other equivalent centroids form empty clusters.

      Example Graph

      To create this graph:

      // Runs each row separately in order in an empty graphset
      insert().into(@default).nodes([{_id:"A", f1:6.2, f2:49, f3:361}, {_id:"B", f1:5.1, f2:2, f3:283}, {_id:"C", f1:6.1, f2:47, f3:626}, {_id:"D", f1:10.0, f2:41, f3:346}, {_id:"E", f1:7.3, f2:28, f3:373}, {_id:"F", f1:5.9, f2:40, f3:1659}, {_id:"G", f1:1.2, f2:19, f3:669}, {_id:"H", f1:7.2, f2:5, f3:645}, {_id:"I", f1:9.4, f2:37, f3:15}, {_id:"J", f1:2.5, f2:19, f3:207}, {_id:"K", f1:5.1, f2:2, f3:283}])

      Creating HDC Graph

      To load the entire graph to the HDC server hdc-server-1 as hdc_kmeans:

      CALL hdc.graph.create("hdc-server-1", "hdc_kmeans", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true,
        update: "static",
        query: "query",
        default: false

      hdc.graph.create("hdc_kmeans", {
        nodes: {"*": ["*"]},
        edges: {"*": ["*"]},
        direction: "undirected",
        load_id: true,
        update: "static",
        query: "query",
        default: false


      Algorithm name: k_means

      start_ids []_uuid / / Yes Specifies nodes as the initial centroids by their _uuid. The length of the array must be equal to k. The system will determine them if it is unset.
      k Integer [1, |V|] 1 No Specifies the number of desired clusters (|V| is the total number of nodes in the graph).
      distance_type Integer 1, 2 1 Yes Specifies the type of the distance metric; sets to 1 for Euclidean Distance, and 2 for Cosine Similarity.
      node_schema_property []"<@schema.?><property>" / / No Numeric node properties used as features; at least two properties are required.
      loop_num Integer ≥1 / No The maximum number of iterations. The algorithm will terminate after completing all rounds.
      return_id_uuid String uuid, id, both uuid Yes Includes _uuid, _id, or both to represent nodes in the results.

      File Writeback

      CALL algo.k_means.write("hdc_kmeans", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          // Assigns A, B, and E as the initial centroids
          start_ids: [10016006670783610886, 3530823207370096647, 10520409829049106440],
          k: 3,
          distance_type: 2,
          node_schema_property: ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
          loop_num: 3
        return_params: {
          file: {
            filename: "communities.txt"

        project: "hdc_kmeans",
        return_id_uuid: "id",
        // Assigns A, B, and E as the initial centroids
        start_ids: [10016006670783610886, 3530823207370096647, 10520409829049106440],
        k: 3,
        distance_type: 2,
        node_schema_property: ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
        loop_num: 3
        file: {
          filename: "communities.txt"



      Full Return

      CALL algo.k_means("hdc_kmeans", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          // Assigns A, B, and E as the initial centroids
          start_ids: [10016006670783610886, 3530823207370096647, 10520409829049106440],
          k: 3,
          distance_type: 1,
          node_schema_property: ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
          loop_num: 3
        return_params: {}
      }) YIELD k3
      RETURN k3

          return_id_uuid: "id",
          // Assigns A, B, and E as the initial centroids
          start_ids: [10016006670783610886, 3530823207370096647, 10520409829049106440],
          k: 3,
          distance_type: 1,
          node_schema_property: ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
          loop_num: 3
        }) as k3
        return k3
      } on hdc_kmeans


      community _ids
      0 ["D","B","A","E","K"]
      1 ["J","I"]
      2 ["F","H","C","G"]

      Stream Return

      CALL algo.k_means("hdc_kmeans", {
        params: {
          return_id_uuid: "id",
          k: 2,
          node_schema_property: ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
          loop_num: 5
        return_params: {
          stream: {}
      }) YIELD k2
      RETURN k2

          return_id_uuid: "id",
          k: 2,
          node_schema_property: ["f1", "f2", "f3"],
          loop_num: 5
        }).stream() as k2
        return k2
      } on hdc_kmeans


      community _ids
      0 ["J","D","B","A","E","K","I"]
      1 ["F","H","C","G"]
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