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      Eigenvector Centrality

      ✓ File Writeback ✓ Property Writeback ✓ Direct Return ✓ Stream Return ✕ Stats


      Eigenvector centrality measures the power or influence of a node. In a directed network, the power of a node comes from its incoming neighbors. Thus, the eigenvector centrality score of a node depends not only on how many in-links it has, but also on how powerful its incoming neighbors are. Connections from high-scoring nodes contribute more to the score of the node than connections from low-scoring nodes. In the disease spreading scenario, a node with higher eigenvector centrality is more likely to be close to the source of infection, which needs special precautions.

      The well-known PageRank is a variant of eigenvector centrality.

      Eigenvector centrality takes on values between 0 to 1, nodes with higher scores are more influential in the network.


      Eigenvector Centrality

      The power (score) of each node can be computed in a recursive way. Take the graph below as as example, adjacent matrix A reflects the in-links of each node. Initialzing that each node has score of 1 and it is represented by vector s(0).

      In each round of power transition, update the score of each node by the sum of scores of all its incoming neighbors. After one round, vector s(1) = As(0) is as follows, L2-normalization is applied to rescale:

      After k iterations, s(k) = As(k-1) = Aks(0). As k grows, s(k) stabilizes. In this example, the stablization is reached after ~20 rounds.

      In fact, s(k) converges to the eigenvector of matrix A that corresponds to the largest absolute eigenvalue, hence elements in s(k) is referred to as eigenvector centrality.

      Eigenvalue and Eigenvector

      Given A is an n x n square matrix, λ is a constant, x is an non-zero n x 1 vector. If the equation Ax = λx is true, then λ is called the eigenvalue of A, and x is the eigenvector of A that corresponds to the eigenvalue λ.

      The above matrix A has 4 eigenvalues λ1, λ2, λ3 and λ4 that correspond to eigenvectors x1, x2, x3 and x4 respectively. x1 is the eigenvector corresponding to the dominate eigenvalue λ1 that has the largtest absolute value.

      According to the Perron-Forbenius theorem, if matrix A has eigenvalues 1| > |λ2| ≥ |λ3| ≥ ... ≥ |λn|, as k → ∞, the direction of s(k) = Aks(0) converges to x1, and s(0) can be any nonzero vector.

      Power Iteration

      For the best computation efficiency and accuracy, this algorithm adopts the power iteration approach to compute the dominate eigenvector (x1) of matrix A

      • s(1) = As(0)
      • s(2) = As(1) = A2s(0)
      • ...
      • s(k) = As(k-1) = Aks(0)

      The algorithm continues until s(k) converges to within some tolerance, or the maximum iteration rounds is met.


      • The algorithm uses the sum of adjacency matrix and unit matrix (i.e., A = A + I) rather than the adjacency matrix only in order to guarantee the covergence.
      • The eigenvector centrality score of nodes with no in-link converges to 0.
      • Self-loop is counted as one in-link, its weight counted only once (weighted graph).


      • Command: algo(eigenvector_centrality)
      • Parameters:
      max_loop_num int ≥1 20 Yes Maximum rounds of iterations; the algorithm ends after running for all rounds, even though the condition of tolerance is not met
      tolerance float (0,1) 0.001 Yes When all scores change less than the tolerance between iterations, the result is considered stable and the algorithm ends
      edge_weight_property @<schema>?.<property> Numeric type, must LTE / Yes Edge property(-ies) to use as edge weight(s), where the values of multiple properties are summed up
      limit int ≥-1 -1 Yes Number of results to return, -1 to return all results
      order string asc, desc / Yes Sort nodes by the centrality score


      The example is a web network, edge property @link.value can be used as weights:

      File Writeback

      Spec Content
      filename _id,rank
        max_loop_num: 15,
        tolerance: 0.01
          file: {
            filename: 'rank'

      Results: File rank


      Property Writeback

      Spec Content Write to Data Type
      property rank Node property float
        edge_weight_property: 'value'  
          db: {
            property: 'ec'

      Results: Centrality score for each node is written to a new property named ec

      Direct Return

      Alias Ordinal Type
      0 []perNode Node and its centrality _uuid, rank
        max_loop_num: 20,
        tolerance: 0.01,
        edge_weight_property: '@link.value',
        order: 'desc'
      }) as ec 
      return ec

      Results: ec

      _uuid rank
      1 0.73133802
      6 0.48346400
      2 0.43551901
      3 0.17412201
      4 0.098612003
      5 0.041088000
      7 0.0000000

      Stream Return

      Alias Ordinal Type
      0 []perNode Node and its centrality _uuid, rank

      Example: Calculate weighted eigenvector centrality for all nodes, count the number of nodes with score above 0.4 or otherwise respectively

        edge_weight_property: '@link.value'
      }).stream() as ec
      with case
      when ec.rank > 0.4 then 'attention'
      when ec.rank <= 0.4 then 'normal'
      END as r
      group by r
      return table(r, count(r))

      Results: table(r, count(r))

      r count(r)
      attention 3
      normal 4
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