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      Cosine Similarity


      Cosine similarity uses the cosine value of the angle formed by two N-dimensional vectors in vector space to indicate the similarity between them. Cosine similarity between two nodes in graph is calculated by using N properties of node to form two N-dimensional vectors.

      The range of cosine similarity values is [0,1]; the larger the value, the more similar the two nodes are.

      Basic Concept


      Vector is one of the basic concepts in Advanced Mathematics, vectors in low dimensional spaces are relatively easy to understand and express. The following diagram shows the relationship between vectors A, B and coordinate axes in 2- and 3-dimensional spaces respectively, as well as the angle θ between them:

      When comparing two nodes in graph, N properties of node are used to form the two N-dimensional vectors.

      Cosine Similarity

      In 2-dimensional space, the formula to calculate the cosine similarity is:

      In 3-dimensional space, the formula to calculate the cosine similarity is:

      Generalize to n-dimensional space, the formula to calculate the cosine similarity is:

      Special Case

      Isolated Node, Disconnected Graph

      Theoretically, the calculation of cosine similarity between two nodes does not depend on the existence of edges in the graph. Regardless of whether the two nodes to be calculated are isolated nodes or whether they are in the same connected component, it does not affect the calculation of their cosine similarity.

      Self-loop Edge

      The calculation of cosine similarity has nothing to do with edges.

      Directed Edge

      The calculation of cosine similarity has nothing to do with edges.

      Command and Configuration

      • Command: algo(similarity)
      • Configurations for the parameter params():
      ids / uuids []_id / []_uuid / Mandatory IDs or UUIDs of the first set of nodes to be calculated
      ids2 / uuids2 []_id / []_uuid / Optional IDs or UUIDs of the second set of nodes to be calculated
      type string cosine jaccard / overlap / cosine / pearson / euclideanDistance / euclidean Measurement of the similarity:
      jaccard: Jaccard Similarity
      overlap: Overlap Similarity
      cosine: Cosine Similarity
      pearson: Pearson Correlation Coefficient
      euclideanDistance: Euclidean Distance
      euclidean: Normalized Euclidean Distance
      node_schema_property []@<schema>?.<property> / Numeric node property; LTE needed; schema can be either carried or not When type is cosine / pearson / euclideanDistance / euclidean, must specify two or more node properties to form the vector; when type is jaccard / overlap, this parameter is invalid
      limit int -1 >=-1 Number of results to return; return all results if sets to -1
      top_limit int -1 >=-1 Only available in the selection mode, limit the length of selection results (top_list) of each node, return the full top_list if sets to -1

      Calculation Mode

      This algorithm has two calculation modes:

      1. Pairing mode: when two sets of valid nodes are configured, pair each node in the first set with each node in the second set (Cartesian product), similarities are calculated for all node pairs.
      2. Selection mode: when only one set (the first) of valid nodes are configured, for each node in the set, calculate its similarities with all other nodes in the graph, return the results if the similarity > 0, order the results the descending similarity.


      Example Graph

      The example graph has product1, product2, product3 and product4 (UUIDs are 1, 2, 3 and 4 in order; edges are ignored), product node has properties price, weight, weight and height:

      Task Writeback

      1. File Writeback

      Calculation Mode
      Data in Each Row
      Pairing mode filename node1,node2,similarity
      Selection mode filename node,top_list

      Example: Calculate cosine similarity between product UUID = 1 and products UUID = 2,3,4 through properties price, weight, width and height, write the algorithm results back to file

        uuids: [1], 
        uuids2: [2,3,4],
        node_schema_property: [price,weight,width,height]
          filename: "cs_result"

      Results: File cs_result


      Example: Calculate cosine similarity between products UUID = 1,2,3,4 and all other products in the graph respectively through properties price, weight, width and height, write the algorithm results back to file

        uuids: [1,2,3,4],
        node_schema_property: [price,weight,width,height],
        type: "cosine"
          filename: "list"

      Results: File list


      2. Property Writeback

      Not supported by this algorithm.

      3. Statistics Writeback

      This algorithm has no statistics.

      Direct Return

      Calculation Mode
      Alias Ordinal
      Type Description Column Name
      Pairing mode 0 []perNodePair Node pair and its similarity node1, node2, similarity
      Selection mode 0 []perNode Node and its selection results node, top_list

      Example: Calculate cosine similarity between product UUID = 1 and products UUID = 2,3,4 through properties price, weight, width and height, order results in the ascending similarity

        uuids: [1], 
        uuids2: [2,3,4],
        node_schema_property: [price,weight,width,height],
        type: "cosine"
      }) as cs
      return cs order by cs.similarity


      node1 node2 similarity
      1 4 0.816876150267203
      1 3 0.878858407519654
      1 2 0.986529413529119

      Example: Select the product with the highest cosine similarity with products UUID = 1,2 respectively through properties price, weight, width and height,

        uuids: [1,2],
        type: "cosine",
        node_schema_property: [price,weight,width,height],
        top_limit: 1
      }) as top
      return top


      node top_list
      1 2:0.986529,
      2 1:0.986529,

      Streaming Return

      Calculation Mode
      Alias Ordinal
      Type Description Column Name
      Pairing mode 0 []perNodePair Node pair and its similarity node1, node2, similarity
      Selection mode 0 []perNode Node and its selection results node, top_list

      Example: Calculate cosine similarity between product UUID = 3 and products UUID = 1,2,4 through properties price, weight, width and height, only return results that have similariy above 0.9

        uuids: [3], 
        uuids2: [1,2,4],
        node_schema_property: [price,weight,width,height],
        type: "cosine"
      }).stream() as cs
      where cs.similarity > 0.9 
      return cs


      node1 node2 similarity
      3 2 0.934216530725663
      3 4 0.930152895706265

      Example: Select the product with the highest cosine similarity with products UUID = 1,3 respectively

        uuids: [1,3],
        node_schema_property: [price,weight,width,height],
        type: "cosine",
        top_limit: 1
      }).stream() as top
      return top


      node top_list
      1 2:0.986529,
      3 2:0.934217,

      Real-time Statistics

      This algorithm has no statistics.

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