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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Connection | Configs


      UltipaConfig defines the information of server needed when connecting to an Ultipa graph database. The change of an UltipaConfig object will update the connection it established.

      Item Type Default Value Description
      hosts List[str] Ultipa server hosts list
      username str username of server
      password str password of server
      crtFilePath str crt file path
      timeoutWithSeconds int 3600 timeout seconds for any request
      consistency bool False if use leader host to guarantee Consistency Read
      maxRecvSize int -1 max byte when receiving data
      defaultGraph str default name of graphset to use
      heartBeat int 10 heartbeat seconds for all instances, set 0 to turn off heartbeat
      responseWithRequestInfo bool False if return request info
      uqlLoggerConfig LoggerConfig logger configuration
      Debug bool False if use debug mode

      When setting Debug as True without setting uqlLoggerConfig, the LoggerConfig class will automatically be imported and a uqlLoggerConfig will be created for debugging, but the log will not be written as file.

      Example: Create a server connection and use graphset 'amz'

      from ultipa import Connection, UltipaConfig
      ultipaConfig = UltipaConfig()
      ultipaConfig.hosts = ["", "", ""]
      ultipaConfig.username = "***"
      ultipaConfig.password = "***"
      ultipaConfig.defaultGraph = "amz"
      conn = Connection.NewConnection(defaultConfig=ultipaConfig)


      LoggerConfig defines the information of log needed when connecting to an Ultipa graph database. The change of an LoggerConfig object will update the connection it established.

      Item Type Default Value Description
      name str name of logger
      filename str name of log file
      isWriteToFile bool False if write log as file
      isStream bool False if output log to console
      level logging INFO level of log

      Example: Create a server connection, use graphset 'amz' and output log to console

      from ultipa import Connection, UltipaConfig
      from ultipa.types.types import LoggerConfig
      loggerConfig = LoggerConfig(name="myLog", isStream=True)
      ultipaConfig = UltipaConfig()
      ultipaConfig.hosts = ["", "", ""]
      ultipaConfig.username = "***"
      ultipaConfig.password = "***"
      ultipaConfig.defaultGraph = "amz"
      ultipaConfig.uqlLoggerConfig = loggerConfig
      conn = Connection.NewConnection(defaultConfig=ultipaConfig)


      RequestConfig defines the information needed when sending non-insert type of requests to an Ultipa graph database.

      Item Type Default Value Description
      graphName str name of graphset to use, or use defaultGraph of UltipaConfig if not set
      timeoutWithSeconds int 3600 timeout seconds for the request
      useHost str send the request to a designated host, or sent to a random host if not set
      useMaster bool False if send the request to the leader to guarantee Consistency Read
      retry Retry retry config when request fails
      stream bool False if return stream
      threadNum int number of thread

      When setting useMaster as True as well as setting useHost to a follower, the request will be sent to the leader.

      Example: Use graphset 'default' when establishing server connection, use graphset 'amz' when sending UQL to the the leader

      from ultipa import Connection, UltipaConfig
      from ultipa import RequestConfig
      ultipaConfig = UltipaConfig()
      ultipaConfig.hosts = ["", "", ""]
      ultipaConfig.username = "***"
      ultipaConfig.password = "***"
      conn = Connection.NewConnection(defaultConfig=ultipaConfig)
      requestConfig = RequestConfig()
      requestConfig.graphName = "amz"
      requestConfig.useMaster = True
      req = conn.uql("find().nodes() as nodes return nodes{*} limit 10", requestConfig)


      InsertConfig defines the information needed when sending insert type of requests to an Ultipa graph database.

      Item Type Default Value Description
      graphName str name of graphset to use, or use defaultGraph of UltipaConfig if not set
      timeoutWithSeconds int 3600 timeout seconds for the request
      useHost str send the request to a designated host, or sent to a random host if not set
      useMaster bool False if send the request to the leader to guarantee Consistency Read
      retry Retry retry config when request fails
      stream bool False if return stream
      threadNum int number of thread
      insert_type ULTIPA.InsertType insert mode (NORMAL, UPSERT, OVERWRITE)
      createNodeIfNotExist bool False if create start/end nodes of edge when the end nodes do not exist in the graphset

      When setting useMaster as True as well as setting useHost to a follower, the request will be sent to the leader.

      Example: Use graphset 'default' when establishing server connection, use graphset 'test' when executing InsertEdgesBatchAuto(), execute in upsert mode and allow start/end nodes of edge to be auto-created

      from ultipa import Connection, UltipaConfig
      from ultipa import InsertConfig, ULTIPA
      ultipaConfig = UltipaConfig()
      ultipaConfig.hosts = ["", "", ""]
      ultipaConfig.username = "***"
      ultipaConfig.password = "***"
      conn = Connection.NewConnection(defaultConfig=ultipaConfig)
      insertConfig = InsertConfig(insertType=ULTIPA.InsertType.UPSERT)
      insertConfig.graphName = "test"
      insertConfig.createNodeIfNotExist = True
      rows = [ULTIPA.Edge(values={"level": "A"},from_id="ULTIPA0000001",to_id="ULTIPA0000002",schema="default",uuid=1),
              ULTIPA.Edge(values={"level": "B"},from_id="ULTIPA0000003",to_id="ULTIPA0000004",schema="default")]
      req = conn.InsertEdgesBatchAuto(rows, insertConfig)
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