Using methods get()
and alias()
of UQLReply will return class DataItem.
DataItem has below methods:
Method | Type | Description |
asNodes() | Node[] | convert DataItem of NODE type to Node[] |
asEdges() | Edge[] | convert DataItem of EDGE type to Edge[] |
asPaths() | Path[] | convert DataItem of PATH type to Path[] |
asGraphs() | ResponseType.Graph[] | convert DataItem with alias _graph to Graph[] |
asSchemas() | ResponseType.Graph[] | convert DataItem with alias _nodeSchema or _edgeSchema to Schema[] |
asProperties() | ResponseType.Graph[] | convert DataItem with alias _nodeProperty or _edgeProperty to Property[] |
asAlgos() | ResponseType.Graph[] | convert DataItem with alias _algoList to Algo[] |
asTable() | Table | convert DataItem of TABLE type to Table |
asArray() | any[][] | convert DataItem of ARRAY type to any[][] |
asAttrs() | AttrAlias | convert DataItem of ATTR type to AttrAlias |
toJSONString() | string | convert DataItem of any type to json formatted string |
It is also legal to convert DataItem with alias _graph, _nodeSchema, _edgeSchema, etc., to Table using method
Node has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Node ID |
uuid | string | Node UUID |
schema | string | Node Schema |
values | object | Node customer properties |
Node has below methods:
Method | Type | Description |
getID() | string | acquire ID of current Node |
getUUID() | string | acquire UUID of current Node |
getSchema() | string | acquire Schema of current Node |
getValues() | object | acquire Values (custom properties) of current Node |
get(prop_name: string) | any | acquire a custom property of current Node |
set(prop_name: string, value: any) | void | set a custom property of current Node, or add KV pair if prop_name is not an existing key |
Example: Send UQL query for a node list, print the ID of 2nd node, and set 'rating' of the 1st node to 8
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("find().nodes({@movie}) as nodes return nodes{*} limit 5");
console.log("ID of 2nd node is: " +"nodes").asNodes()[1].getID());
console.log("rating of 1st node was: " +"nodes").asNodes()[0].get("rating"));"nodes").asNodes()[0].set("rating",8)
console.log("rating of 1st node now is: " +"nodes").asNodes()[0].get("rating"));
Alias: nodes Type: RESULT_TYPE_NODE
│ (index) │ @schema │ _id │ _uuid │ rating │ year │
│ 0 │ 'movie' │ 'ULTIPA80000000000003E9' │ '1001' │ 9 │ 1994 │
│ 1 │ 'movie' │ 'ULTIPA80000000000003EA' │ '1002' │ 7 │ 1993 │
│ 2 │ 'movie' │ 'ULTIPA80000000000003EB' │ '1003' │ 6 │ 1998 │
│ 3 │ 'movie' │ 'ULTIPA80000000000003EC' │ '1004' │ 9 │ 1994 │
│ 4 │ 'movie' │ 'ULTIPA80000000000003ED' │ '1005' │ 9 │ 1997 │
ID of 2nd node is: ULTIPA80000000000003EA
rating of 1st node was: 9
rating of 1st node now is: 8
Edge has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
uuid | string | Edge UUID |
from_uuid | string | Edge start node UUID |
to_uuid | string | Edge end node UUID |
from | string | Edge start node ID |
to | string | Edge end node ID |
schema | string | Edge Schema |
values | object | Edge customer properties |
Edge has below methods:
Method | Type | Description |
getUUID() | string | acquire UUID of current Edge |
getFromUUID() | string | acquire UUID of start node of current Edge |
getToUUID() | string | acquire UUID of end node of current Edge |
getFrom() | string | acquire ID of start node of current Edge |
getTo() | string | acquire ID of end node of current Edge |
getSchema() | string | acquire Schema of current Edge |
getValues() | object | acquire Values (custom properties) of current Edge |
get(prop_name: string) | any | acquire a custom property of current Edge |
set(prop_name: string, value: any) | void | set a custom property of current Edge, or add KV pair if prop_name is not an existing key |
Example: Send UQL query for an edge list, print the ID of the start node of the 2nd edge, and add 'value' for the 1st edge and set to 8
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("find().edges({@default}) as edges return edges{*} limit 5");
console.log("ID of start node of 2nd edge is: " +"edges").asEdges()[1].getFrom());
console.log("value of 1st edge was: " +"edges").asEdges()[0].get("value"));"edges").asEdges()[0].set("value",8)
console.log("value of 1st edge now is: " +"edges").asEdges()[0].get("value"));
Alias: edges Type: RESULT_TYPE_EDGE
│ (index) │ @schema │ _uuid │ _from │ _to │ _from_uuid │ _to_uuid │
│ 0 │ 'default' │ '21' │ 'ULTIPA0000003' │ 'ULTIPA0000004' │ '20' │ '21' │
│ 1 │ 'default' │ '24' │ 'ULTIPA8000000000000001' │ 'ULTIPA8000000000000002' │ '56' │ '34' │
│ 2 │ 'default' │ '29' │ 'ULTIPA800000000000001A' │ 'ULTIPA800000000000001B' │ '24' │ '65' │
ID of start node of 2nd edge is: ULTIPA8000000000000001
value of 1st edge was: undefined
value of 1st edge now is: 8
Path has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
nodes | Node[] | Node[] of Path |
edges | Edge[] | Edge[] of Path |
length | number | length of Path, namely the number of Edge |
Path has below methods:
Method | Type | Description |
getLength() | number | acquire length of current Path, namely the number of Edge |
getNodes() | Node[] | acquire Node[] of current Path |
getEdges() | Edge[] | acquire Edge[] of current Path |
Example: Send UQL query for a path list, print the 2nd node in the 1st path
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("n().e()[2].n() as paths return paths{*} limit 3");
console.log("the 2nd node in the 1st path:");
Alias: paths Type: RESULT_TYPE_PATH
│ (index) │ Values
│ 0 │ '(ULTIPA80000000000003E9) <- [1475] - (ULTIPA8000000000000014) - [1350] -> (ULTIPA8000000000000066)' │
│ 1 │ '(ULTIPA80000000000003E9) <- [1363] - (ULTIPA8000000000000018) - [1353] -> (ULTIPA800000000000005F)' │
│ 2 │ '(ULTIPA80000000000003E9) <- [1645] - (ULTIPA8000000000000016) - [1374] -> (ULTIPA80000000000003FB)' │
the 2nd node in the 1st path:
Node {
id: 'ULTIPA8000000000000014',
uuid: '20',
schema: 'account',
values: { name: 'Meng', industry: 'Construction', gender: 'female', year: 1982 }
Graph has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
id | string | Graph ID |
name | string | Graph name |
description | string | Graph description |
totalNodes | string | Graph total number of nodes |
totalEdges | string | Graph total number of edges |
status | string | Graph status (MOUNTED or UNMOUNTED) |
clusterID | string | cluster ID |
Example: Send UQL query for a graph list, print the name of the 3rd graph
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("show().graph()");
console.log("name of 3rd graph is: " +"_graph").asGraphs()[2].name);
Alias: _graph Type: RESULT_TYPE_TABLE
│ (index) │ id │ name │ totalNodes │ totalEdges │ description │ status │
│ 0 │ '1172' │ 'DeliveryCenter' │ '30' │ '77' │ '' │ 'MOUNTED' │
│ 1 │ '1208' │ 'GithubSocial' │ '37700' │ '289003' │ '' │ 'MOUNTED' │
│ 2 │ '1116' │ 'HB_POC' │ '0' │ '0' │ '' │ 'UNMOUNTED' │
│ 3 │ '1601' │ 'Industry' │ '0' │ '0' │ '' │ 'MOUNTED' │
name of 3rd graph is: HB_POC
Schema has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Schema name |
description | string | Schema description |
properties | Property[] | Property[] of Schema |
totalNodes | string | Schema total number of nodes |
totalEdges | string | Schema total number of edges |
Example: Send UQL query for the node schema list, print the total number of nodes of the 3rd schema
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("show().node_schema()");
console.log("number of nodes of 3rd node schema is: " +"_nodeSchema").asSchemas()[2].totalNodes);
Alias: _nodeSchema Type: RESULT_TYPE_TABLE
│ (index) │ name │ description │ properties │ totalNodes │
│ 0 │ 'default' │ 'default schema' │ '[]' │ '0' │
│ 1 │ 'country' │ '' │ '[{"name":"name","type":"string","description":"","lte":"false"}]' │ '23' │
│ 2 │ 'celebrity' │ '' │ '[{"name":"name","type":"string","description":"","lte":"false"}]' │ '78' │
number of nodes of 3rd node schema is: 78
Property has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Property name |
description | string | Property description |
schema | string | Property Schema |
type | string | Property data type |
lte | string | Property LTE status (true, false or creating) |
Example: Send UQL query for the property list of node schema 'account', print the LTE status of the 4th property
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("show().node_property(@account)");
console.log("lte of 4th node property is: " +"_nodeProperty").asProperties()[3].lte);
Alias: _nodeProperty Type: RESULT_TYPE_TABLE
│ (index) │ name │ type │ lte │ schema │ description │
│ 0 │ 'name' │ 'string' │ 'false' │ 'account' │ '' │
│ 1 │ 'industry' │ 'string' │ 'false' │ 'account' │ '' │
│ 2 │ 'gender' │ 'string' │ 'false' │ 'account' │ '' │
│ 3 │ 'year' │ 'int32' │ 'true' │ 'account' │ '' │
lte of 4th node property is: true
Algo has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Algo name |
param | object | Algo parameters such as algorithm name, description, version, etc. |
result_opt | object | Algo result options |
clusterId | string | cluster ID |
Example: Send UQL query for the installed algorithm list, print the name and version of the 3rd algorithm
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("show().algo()");
console.log("name of 3rd algo is: " +"_algoList").asAlgos()[2].name);
console.log("version of 3rd algo is: " +"_algoList").asAlgos()[2].param.version);
Alias: _algoList Type: RESULT_TYPE_TABLE
│ (index) │ name │ param │ detail │
│ 0 │ 'celf' │ '{"name":"celf","description":"celf","version":"1.0.0","parameters":...}' │ 'base:\r\n category: Centrality\r\n ...' │
│ 1 │ 'harmonic_centrality' │ '{"name":"harmonic_centrality","description":"harmonic_centrality","version":"1.0.0","parameters":...}' │ 'base:\r\n category: Centrality\r\n ...' │
│ 2 │ 'closeness_centrality' │ '{"name":"closeness centrality","description":"closeness centrality","version":"1.0.1","parameters":...}' │ 'base:\r\n category: Centrality\r\n ...' │
│ 3 │ 'degree' │ '{"name":"degree centrality","description":"degree centrality","version":"1.0.3","parameters":...}' │ 'base:\r\n category: Centrality\r\n ...' │
│ 4 │ 'khop_all' │ '{"name":"khop_all","description":"khop_all","version":"1.0.2","parameters":...}' │ 'base:\r\n category: General\r\n ...' │
name of 3rd algo is: closeness_centrality
version of 3rd algo is: 1.0.1
Table has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
name | string | Table alias |
alias | string | Table alias |
headers | string[] | Table headers |
rows | any[][] | Table rows |
Table has below methods:
Method | Type | Description |
getHeaders() | string[] | acquire current Table headers |
getRows() | any[][] | acquire current Table rows |
toKV() | any[] | convert current Table to KV list |
Example: Send UQL query for a table, print the headers and the 2nd row:
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("find().nodes({@account}) limit 5 return table(nodes.gender, nodes.year) as myTable");
console.log("headers are: " +"myTable").asTable().getHeaders());
console.log("2nd row is: " +"myTable").asTable().getRows()[1]);
Alias: myTable Type: RESULT_TYPE_TABLE
│ (index) │ nodes.gender │ nodes.year │
│ 0 │ 'female' │ 1978 │
│ 1 │ 'female' │ 1989 │
│ 2 │ 'male' │ 1982 │
│ 3 │ 'female' │ 2007 │
│ 4 │ 'male' │ 1973 │
headers are: nodes.gender,nodes.year
2nd row is: female,1989
any[][] (ARRAY)
Example: Send UQL query for an array list, print the 3rd element of the 2nd array
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("find().nodes({@account}) as nodes group by nodes.industry return collect( as myArray limit 3");
console.log("3rd element of 2nd array is: " +"myArray").asArray()[1][2]);
Alias: myArray Type: RESULT_TYPE_ARRAY
[ 'jibber-jabber', 'jo', 'CR.', 'laofung', 'pepe' ]
[ 'Meng', 'HolyC', 'pixiedust', 'Blair_self', 'sadmov' ]
[ 'Unbeliever', 'Ivo', 'Nannobrycon', 'auric', 'Blair_self' ]
3rd element of 2nd array is: pixiedust
AttrAlias has below fields:
Field | Type | Description |
alias | string | AttrAlias alias |
values | any[] | AttrAlias rows |
type | PropertyType | AttrAlias type code |
type_desc | string | AttrAlias type name |
Example: Send UQL query for an attribute list, print the 2nd attribute
import { ConnectionPool, printers } from "@ultipa-graph/ultipa-node-sdk";
let sdkUsage = async () => {
// omit code of establishing server connection 'conn'
let resp = await conn.uql("find().nodes({@account}) as nodes return nodes.industry as myAttr limit 5");
console.log("2nd attribute is: " +"myAttr").asAttrs().values[1]);
Alias: myAttr Type: RESULT_TYPE_ATTR
alias: 'myAttr',
type: 7,
type_desc: 'string',
values: [ 'Manufacturing', 'Health', 'Other', 'Education', 'Publishing' ]
2nd attribute is: Health