Function toString()
returns the string value of any data.
- Any value <any>
- String <string>
Sample graph: (to be used for the following examples)
Run below UQLs one by one in an empty graphset to create graph data:create().node_schema("professor").node_schema("student")
create().node_property(@*, "age", int32).node_property(@*, "email", string)
insert().into(@professor).nodes([{_id:"P001",_uuid:1,age:53,email:"[email protected]"},{_id:"P002",_uuid:2,age:27,email:"[email protected]"}])
insert().into(@student).nodes([{_id:"S001",_uuid:3,age:27,email:"[email protected]"},{_id:"S002",_uuid:4,age:20,email:"[email protected]"},{_id:"S003",_uuid:5,age:25,email:"[email protected]"}])
Comman Usage
Example: Convert number list to string
find().nodes({@student}) as n
with collect(n.age) as ageList
return toString(ageList)
Analysis: A list is converted to string and not able to call its element by index.
Example: Convert NODE list to string
find().nodes({@student}) as n
with collect(n) as nodeList
return toString(nodeList)
Analysis: The NODE or EDGE passed in will be simplified as UUID before conversion.