Change Password

Please enter the password.
Please enter the password. Between 8-64 characters. Not identical to your email address. Contain at least 3 of: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
Please enter the password.

Change Nickname

Current Nickname:

Apply New License

License Detail

Please complete this required field.

  • Ultipa Graph V4


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Please complete this required field.

The MAC address of the server you want to deploy.

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Please complete this required field.

Applied Validity Period(days)
Effective Date
Excpired Date
Mac Address
Apply Comment
Review Comment
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  • Phone:
  • Company:
  • Company Email:
  • Country:
  • Language:
Change Password

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Certificate Issued at Valid until Serial No. File
Serial No. Valid until File

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Product Created On ID Amount (USD) Invoice

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      Create Instance

      To create an Ultipa Instance, the following steps need to be taken:

      • Select Plan
      • Select Instance
      • Set Instance Name
      • Network Settings
      • Server Configuration
      • Instance Advanced Configuration
      • Account Setting
      • Review & Start

      Select Plan

      User can choose from Shared, Standard, and Enterprise plans based on their own demands.

      For detailed functionality descriptions of each plan, please refer to Plans.

      Diagram: Select a Plan

      Select Instance

      Select Cloud Server Provider

      Ultipa CloudBeta currently supports provision from AWS Cloud servers. There will be more options for user to select from in following Ultipa Cloud releases.

      Select Region

      Click to select a continent and a region:

      Diagram: Select a Cloud Provider and A Region

      Select Instance Type

      User can decide an instance type based on details below:

      Name Name of the instance type.
      vCPU The number of vCPUs the instance supports.
      Memory The memory of the instance.
      Storage The basic storage the instance supports, can be increased after selecting instance.
      Suggested graph scale Suggested amounts of nodes and edges of the instance type to use.
      Stock Total instances that can be created under a same instance type. The creation of any instance in the same region affects all instance types' stock.
      Price The set price of the instance per hour, it increases as storage increases.
      Diagram: Select an Instance Type

      Set Storage Size

      After selecting an instance type, user can adjust the storage by dragging the storage bar or input at the end.

      IPOS The number of IPOS, automatically adjusted when the storage is adjusted.
      Network The capacity of the network, dependent on cloud server provider, not modifiable.

      Click "Next" to finalize this step.

      Diagram: Set Instance Size

      Set Instance Name

      User can create an identifiable name for each instance, so their instances can be found or managed easily.

      Instance Name This is a tag up to 128 bytes to identify Ultipa Graph instances. User can search and manage instances under their accounts by this tag.

      Network Settings

      It is required to connect to cloud instances via stable networks.

      Listening Port This service port is used to serve client requests. If the user needs to change the port after the instance is started, restarting the instance is required; also to operate Ultipa Manager again, the user needs to delete the existing Ultipa Manager connection that uses the previous listening port, and create a new connection.
      InBound Allowed IPs Includes the application server's IP and the user's local IP for connecting Ultipa Manager. User can click "ADD IP" button or "Insert Current IP".

      Warning: User must make sure that their local IPs have been added to InBound Allowed IP list before connecting to Ultipa Manager, otherwise there might be chances of connection failures.

      For example:

      Diagram: Instance Name and Network Settings

      Server Configuration

      Memory Threshold The threshold of memory usage by percentage, it can be used to help protect system from OoM (Out of Memory), higher threshold represents more available memory.
      Log Level Log level controls which level of logs should be output, there are 4 types of logs (fatal: system level, warning, info, debug) and 4 log levels. Log Level 1 means to only print fatal logs; Level 2 means to print fatal and warning (such as slow query) logs; Level 3 means to print fatal, warning, and info logs; Level 4 means to print all types of logs: fatal, warning, info, and debug logs. It is recommended to use Level 3 as default.
      Node ID Cache Node ID cache means the size of '_id (customized ID) → _uuid (DB engine ID) mapping', which can speed up inserting operations, more IDs need more memory.

      Instance Advanced Configuration

      Short UUID Enabling "Short UUID" helps reduce large memory usage, the maximum node and edge number in a single graph can be limited to 4 billions.

      Note: Advanced instance configurations cannot be re-modified after the instance is set up.

      With instance configurations completed, user can proceed to account settings.

      Diagram: Server Configuration and Instance Advanced Configuration

      Account Setting

      Set up the password of Ultipa Graph's root user as required below. This password will be used for connecting to Ultipa Manager.

      Password This password must be a combination between 8-64 characters of at least 3 from the followings: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters (such as @*&#) and it must not be identical to your email address.

      As shown below:

      Diagram: Set Root Password

      Review & Start

      In this page, user can review all instance configuration information or click the pencil icons to get back to previous steps for corrections.

      If no more configurations need to be further modified, the instance is ready to start. By clicking "Start" button, the instance will be put into initializing status and to be started shortly after.

      Diagram: Review, Remodify and Start

      Note: A valid payment method is required to be attached to user's cloud accounts before the instance gets started. There will be a pop-up window for user to submit payment method information if the user has not added any payment method before starting the instance. For details on adding a payment method, please refer to Billings-Payment Method.

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