A policy is a combination of multiple privileges packed for a specific user role, it often comprises multiple privileges and sub policies. User privileges can be more conveniently and better managed with a proper design and usage of policy.
Naming Conventions
Policies are named by developers. A same name cannot be shared between policies in an Ultipa instance.
- 2 ~ 64 characters
- Must start with letters
- Allow to use letters, underscore and numbers ( _ , A-Z, a-z, 0-9)
Show Policy
Returned table name: _policy
Returned table header: name
| graphPrivileges
| systemPrivileges
| propertyPrivileges
| policies
(the name, graph privileges, system privileges, property privileges and sub policies of the policy)
// To show all policies in the current Ultipa instance
// To show a certain policy in the current Ultipa instance
Create Policy
// To create a policy in the current Ultipa instance
Where the data structures are:
// <{}graph_privileges>
"<graph1>":["<graph_privilege>", "<graph_privilege>", ...],
"<graph2>":["<graph_privilege>", "<graph_privilege>", ...],
// <{}property_privileges>
"node": {
"read": [
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
"write": [
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
"deny": [
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
"edge": {
"read": [
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
"write": [
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
"deny": [
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
["<graph>", "<@schema?>", "<property?>"],
Note 1: When using asterisk *
to replace the GraphSet name <graphSet>
, the "*"
means all GraphSets in the current Ultipa instance. Similarly, the "*"
in replace of "<@schema>"
or "<property>"
represents all the schemas or all properties.
Note 2: When top items of parameter policy()
are not to be declared, their slots still need to be held by empty braces if the items that come later are to be declared.
Example: Create policy "sales" that has privilege UPDATE against GraphSet "default" and "client", system privilege STAT, and READ for all properties
{"default": ["UPDATE"], "client":["UPDATE"]},
"node": {"read":[["*","*","*"]]},
"edge": {"read":[["*","*","*"]]}
Alter Policy
// To modify a certain policy in the current Ultipa instance
graph_privileges: <{}graph_privileges?>,
system_privileges: <[]system_privileges?>,
policies: <[]policies?>,
property_privileges: <{}property_privileges?>
Where the data structures <{}graph_privileges>
and <{}property_privileges>
are same as those in command create().policy()
Example: Modify policy "sales", make it only has UPDATE against graphset "default"
.set({graph_privileges: {"default": ["UPDATE"]}})
Example: Modify policy "management", let it has UPDATE and DELETE against all graphsets, sub policy "sales", and all related property privileges.
graph_privileges: {"*": ["UPDATE", "DELETE"]},
policies: ["sales"],
property_privileges: {
"node": {
"write": [["default","*","*"]]
"edge": {
"write": [["default","*","*"]]
Drop Policy
// To delete a certain policy from the current Ultipa instance