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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      The insert().overwrite().into() clause facilitates either the overwriting of existing nodes or edges within a single schema or the insertion of new nodes or edges.


      // Overwrite or insert nodes
        {<property1>: <value1>, <property2>: <value2>, ...},
        {<property1>: <value1>, <property2>: <value2>, ...}
      // Overwrite or insert edges
        {<property1>: <value1>, <property2>: <value2>, ...},
        {<property1>: <value1>, <property2>: <value2>, ...}
      • Specify one schema in the into() method.
      • Include one or multiple nodes or edges in the nodes() or edges() method.
        • Provide key-value pairs of properties for each node or edge enclosed in { }.
        • If there is only one node or edge, the outer [ ] can be omitted.
      • Allow to define an alias for the clause, with the data type being either NODE or EDGE.

      When a node or edge is overwritten:

      • A targeted node is specified by its _id and/or _uuid. A targeted edge is specified by its _uuid, _from and _to (or _from_uuid and _to_uuid)
      • The values of provided custom properties will be overwritten; the values of missing custom properties will be null.
      • The values of system properties (_id, _uuid, _from, _to, _from_uuid, _to_uuid) remain unchanged.

      A new node is inserted when new _id or _uuid is provided, or when both _id and _uuid are missing.

      A new edge is inserted when new _uuid is provided, or when _uuid is missing.

      Example Graph

      Run these UQLs row by row in an empty graphset to create this graph:

      create().node_property(@user, "name").node_property(@user, "age", int32).edge_property(@follow, "time", datetime)
      insert().into(@user).nodes([{_id:"U001", _uuid:1, name:"Jason", age:30}, {_id:"U002", _uuid:2, name:"Tim"}, {_id:"U003", _uuid:3, name:"Grace", age:25}, {_id:"U004", _uuid:4, name:"Ted", age:26}])
      insert().into(@follow).edges([{_uuid:1, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:1, time:"2021-9-10"}, {_uuid:2, _from_uuid:3, _to_uuid:2, time:"2020-3-12"}, {_uuid:3, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:2, time:"2023-7-30"}])


      Overwrite or Insert Nodes

        {_id: "U001", name: "John"},
        {_id: "U005", name: "Alice"},
        {age: 12}
      ]) as n
      return n{*}
      • The first node with the provided _id U001 exists in the graph, so it is overwritten.
      • The second is a new node to be inserted, as the provided _id U005 does not exist in the graph.
      • The third is a new node to be inserted, as both _id and _uuid are missing.


      _uuid name age
      U001 1 John null
      U005 5 Alice null
      ULTIPA8000000000000006 6 null 12

      Overwrite or Insert Edges

        {_uuid: 1, _from: "U004", _to: "U001"},
        {_uuid: 4, _from: "U002", _to: "U003"},
        {_from: "U002", _to: "U001", time: "2023-9-6"}
      ]) as e
      return e{*}
      • The first edge with the provided _uuid 1, _from U004, and _to U001 exists in the graph, so it's overwritten.
      • The second is a new edge to be inserted, as the provided _uuid 4 does not exist in the graph.
      • The third is a new edge to be inserted, as _uuid is missing.


      _uuid _from _to
      1 U004 U001 4 1 null
      4 U002 U003 2 3 null
      5 U002 U001 2 1 2023-09-06 00:00:00

      Common Reasons for Failures

      • Overwriting fails when the specified existing nodes or edges do not belong to the given schema.
      • Node overwriting or insertion fails when both _id and _uuid are provided, one of their values exists in the graph while the other one does not.
      • Node overwriting or insertion fails when _id and _uuid are provided, they both exist in the graph but they don't match.
      • Edge overwriting or insertion fails when the start or end node is not specified.
      • Edge overwriting or insertion fails when the specified start or end node does not exist in the graph.
      • Edge overwriting fails when the given existing _uuid does not match the given start and end nodes.
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