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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Import Config | Settings

      All Parameters

      Parameter Specification Default Value
      separator string , (When importing CSV) Delimiter of all files, supports ,, \t, |, ;, ^A, ^B, ^C and ^D
      importMode string insert Mode of import operation, supports insert, upsert, and overwrite
      yes bool false Whether auto-create graphset, schema and properties that do not exist
      logPath string ./log The path of the log file, i.e., '/data/import/log'
      threads int (the number of local CPUs) The maximum threads (≥2), 32 threads recommended
      batchSize int 10000 The number of rows in each batch, valid from 500 to 10000; an integer of 100000/number_of_properties is recommended
      MaxPacketSize int 41943040 (40M) The maximum bytes of each packet the GO SDK processes
      timezone string (local timezone) The timezone of timestamp values, e.g. +0815, Asia/Shanghai etc.
      createNodeIfNotExist bool false true: create nodes for the non-existing _from, _to, _from_uuid or _to_uuid of edges; false: leave them non-existing and their related edges un-imported
      stopWhenError bool false (When error occurs) true: terminate the import operation immediately; false: skip the error data batch and continue with the next batch when not using this parameter
      fitToHeader bool false (When importing CSV with no header and the number of fields configured are different than the number of fields in the file) true: omit or auto-fill data fields based on the configuration; false: stop and throw an error
      quotes bool false (When importing CSV) true: parse double quotation as the character of a double quotation itself; false: parse double quotation as the field boundary (must locate at the beginning and end of a data field), any double quotation as part of the data field content should be represented as two consecutive double quotations and this data datafiled must be wrapped by double quotations
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