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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Ultipa Migrator is a cross-platform command line tool used for migrating or copying an entire graphset or portions of it across different Ultipa Graph instances or within the same instance.


      • A command line terminal that is compatible with your operating system:
      • A version of Ultipa Migrator (Windows/MacOS/Linux) compatible with your operating system.

      Examples given in this manual are demonstrated in PowerShell on Windows.

      Prepare the Configuration File

      Generate the sample

      ./ultipa-migrator.exe -sample 

      The config.yml file will be generated in the same directory as ultipa-migrator.exe. If a config.yml file already exists in that directory, it will be overwritten.

      Modify configuration file

      The content of the sample config.yml file is as follows, modify it according to your needs.

      # Source server configuration  
        hosts: 192.168.1.xx:60061 
        username: root 
        password: root 
        graph: SourceGraphName 
      # Target server configuration 
        hosts: 192.168.2.xx:60061 
        username: root 
        password: root 
        graph: TargetGraphName 
      # Migrate data by UQL (optional) 
      # Supported return types: NODE, EDGE, PATH 
      uql: "" 
      # Other settings 
        batchsize: 10000 
        threads: 10 
        # The maximum time (in seconds) allowed to copy data of one schema
        timeout: 3000 
        # If true, LTE-ed properties in the source graphset will also be loaded to memory in the target graphset
        lte: true 
        # If true, indexes and full-text indexes in the source graphset will also be created on disk in the target graphset
        index: true 

      Source server configuration

      Key: from

      hosts String IP address or URL of the source database; in case of a cluster, only one server node needs to be specified
      username String Database username
      password String Password of the above user
      graph String Name of the source graphset to be copied

      Target server configuration

      Key: to

      hosts String IP address or URL of the target database; in case of a cluster, only one server node needs to be specified
      username String Database username
      password String Password of the above user
      graph String Name of the target graphset to be created; ensure that the specified name does not exist in the target database

      Migrate data by UQL

      uql String Copy only the data (nodes/edges/paths) returned by the given UQL statement; all data to be migrated if not set


      # Migrate data by UQL (optional) 
      # Supported returned types: NODE, EDGE, PATH 
      # Migrate only 100 nodes whose schema is user 
      uql: "find().nodes({@user}) as nodes return nodes{*} limit 100" 

      Note that the complete graph structure (including all schemas and properties) will still be created for the target graphset.

      Other settings

      Key: normal

      batchsize Integer 10000 Number of data in each batch, ranging from 1~100000. For value that exceeds the range, the system will set it to 5000.
      threads Integer 10 The maximum number of threads, ranging from 4~2*(CPU cores). For value that exceeds the range, the system will set it to the number of CPU cores.
      timeout Integer 3000 The maximum time (in seconds) allowed to copy data of one schema, ranging from 10~10800. For value that exceeds the range, the system will set it to 10800.
      lte Bool true If true, LTE-ed properties in the source graphset will also be loaded to memory in the target graphset.
      index Bool true If true, indexes and full-text indexes in the source graphset will also be created on disk in the target graphset.

      Execute Migration

      The migration runs based on the configuration file specified by the -config parameter, which is supposed to create a new graphset in the target server and copy the structure and data from the source graphset.

      Migrate using a configuration file (e.g., config.yml) saved in the same directory:

      ./ultipa-migrator.exe -config config.yml 

      Migrate using a configuration file (e.g., migrate0212.yml) saved in another directory:

      ./ultipa-migrator.exe -config C:\Users\johndoe\Desktop\migrate0212.yml 

      Generate Graph and Structure Creation UQLs

      ./ultipa-migrator.exe -config migrate0212.yml -gen_struct_uql 

      A .uql file will be generated and saved in the same directory as ultipa-migrator.exe, containing all the UQL statements for creating the source graphset and its structure (schemas and properties) specified in the configuration file. Migration is not performed when using the -gen_struct_uql parameter.

      Show Version

      ./ultipa-migrator.exe -version 

      Show Help

      ./ultipa-migrator.exe -help 


      Description Required
      -config Execute commands according to the configuration file Yes for executing data migration and generating graph and structure creation UQLs
      -gen_struct_uql Generate the UQLs to create the graphset and its structure (schemas and properties) No
      -sample Generate a sample configuration file named config.yml, saved in the same directory as ultipa-migrator.exe No
      -version Show version of the ultipa-migratort.exe No
      -help Show help information No
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