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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Release Notes

      This page provides the release notes for Ultipa Manager since 2023. These notes detail major features, bug fixes, performance improvements, and other changes introduced in each version.

      beta.4.4.66-s5.0 (2024-10-11)

      • Updated the HDC module.
      • Fixed the issue where the version doesn’t show.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      beta.4.4.65-s5.0 (2024-09-25)

      • Optimized the animation when switching graphsets.
      • Modified the graphset list.
      • Modified the left menu style.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      beta.4.4.64-s5.0 (2024-09-04)

      • Introduced new language: French.
      • Updated the algorithm installation feature in the HDC module.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      beta.4.4.63-s5.0 (2024-08-13)

      • Updated the typing fields.
      • Optimized the timeline layout.
      • Fixed issues related to schema counting.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      beta.4.4.62-s5.0 (2024-07-17)

      • Introduced features to support the 5.0+ server.

      v4.4.90-s4.4 (2024-07-01)

      • Added support for ldap authentication.
      • Optimized the export of decimal type properties.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.85-s4.4 (2024-06-21)

      • Added Loader Scheduler to trigger the Loader based on various timing rules.
      • Optimized Loader features for improved performance.
      • Fixed an issue where an extensive Widget list prevented the UQL Editor from opening.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.78-s4.4 (2024-05-14)

      • The issue of other loaders being executed alongside a specific loader has been resolved.
      • The display issue with the progress bar when the filename in load tasks contains special characters has been fixed.
      • Optimizations have been made to the UQL Editor.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.65-s4.4 (2024-04-23)

      • Fixed the import issue when the delimitor of the CSV file is ; or |.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.63-s4.4 (2024-04-03)

      • Implemented a server-side clean-up mechanism for import logs generated in Loader.
      • Introduced edge filtering in the timeline visualization.
      • Optimized the UQL Execution History for improved usability.
      • Optimized the sharing feature for widgets.
      • Streamlined the preview and import feature for Loader.
      • Added Daemon configuration for instances to control the server nodes' start or stop operations.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.54-s4.4 (2024-03-11)

      • Loader now supports more data sources, including MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, JSON, JSONL, Kafka, Neo4j and BigQuery.
      • Added support for configuring time format.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.42-s4.4 (2024-02-15)

      • Updated the highlight and hint feature for UQL Editor.
      • Fixed the issue where the Result Pane could not be split during loading.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.35-s4.4 (2024-01-12)

      • Removed the use of backticks (`) for wrapping schema and property names that do not contain special characters.
      • Updated various UI text elements.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.23-s4.4 (2023-12-21)

      • Optimized the information window of collapsed edges.
      • Optimized large file export.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.20-s4.4 (2023-11-16)

      • Fixed the issue in the Loader where the selected data type was lost when switching between nodes and edges.
      • Removed the graphsets preview feature on each instance card.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.4.16-s4.4 (2023-10-27)

      • Added the Widget module, replacing the Shortcut module; added support for writing CSS and HTML, and importing third-party packages.
      • Added an execution window for Widget.
      • Optimized the Loader model, including validation prompts and file deletion.
      • Adjusted the style of the left navigation bar.
      • Optimized the UQL results panel, including the executed statements list and the toolbar layout.
      • Added support for the decimal and set data types.
      • Added support for the toGraph structure.
      • Fixed known bugs.

      v4.3.2.48 (2023-10-24)

      • Added the Loader module in replace of the Files module.
      • Supports uploading and importing one CSV file per loader.
      • Supports importing data to all graphsets in the instance (not only the current graphset).
      • Supports executing single loader.
      • Supports executing multiple loaders in serial or parallel mode.
      • Moved the data export function to graphset operational list.

      v4.3.72 (2023-09-01)

      • Added support for the blob data type.
      • Enabled the utilization of SDK methods such as asNodes, asEdges, asPaths, asAttrs, asTable, etc. when editing Shortcuts.
      • Fixed some bugs.

      v4.3.62 (2023-08-17)

      • Enhanced the Shortcut module, enabling debugger support in web browsers and log verification.
      • Introduced configurations for force-directed and circular layouts.
      • Included Tree and Circular layouts in the canvas menu within the 2D view.
      • Implemented automatic transition to single-line mode in the UQL Editor when the code is reduced to one line or empty.
      • Addressed various other bugs and issues.

      v4.3.52 (2023-07-28)

      • Implemented Watermark functionality within the Settings.
      • Added Manager Privileges for users in the Auths module.
      • Enhanced the Style Management with Color Picker and Property selection when choosing colors.
      • Added the Map layout for returned results containing data of the point type.
      • Added the Timeline layout for returned results containing data of the datetime or timestamp type.
      • Implemented detailed information display for nodes and edges when hovering the mouse over them.
      • Integrated Echarts into the Shortcut module.
      • Integrated Highcharts into the Shortcut module.
      • Redesigned the panel layout and content of the Algos module.

      v4.3.38 (2023-06-16)

      • Added variable types into the form in shortcut.
      • Added the sharing function to the shortcut.
      • Added animation effects to menus and buttons.
      • Addressed various known bugs and issues.

      v4.3.28 (2023-05-06)

      • Launched a new Plugin module to extend functionality.
      • Implemented rules for importing and exporting styles.
      • Included _uuid in the dropdown menu of the label when configuring node and edge style.
      • Enhanced algorithm execution by adding the exec task prefix based on the cluster information.
      • Fixed other known bugs.

      v4.3.21 (2023-04-17)

      • Enhanced compatibility with Ultipa server v4.3, now supporting null values, list types, and point types.
      • Implemented distinct display for null objects and null strings.
      • Enabled editing components of the list type. Optimized the data export process for improved efficiency.
      • Added support for copying the table header in the results.
      • Enabled the deletion of edges in Schema Overview.
      • Enhanced 2D styles and layouts for better visualization.
      • Resolved the issue related to switching between split screens when executing selected UQL statements.

      v4.2.50 (2023-04-11)

      • Enhanced the color gradient algorithm.
      • Optimized the spacing of Tree layouts.
      • Improved 2D styles for better visualization.
      • Enhanced the functionality of the UQL Editor.
      • Improved the display of PATH lists.
      • Resolved system glitches occurring when displaying a large number (over 760) of node and edge tables in the result list.
      • Added 100 templates to the UQL Editor for increased usability.
      • Implemented sorting functionality for the Shortcut list.
      • Added support for selecting icon color and font color in 2D view styles.
      • Fixed errors related to algorithm return values.
      • Addressed various known bugs for improved stability.

      v4.2.39 (2023-03-08)

      • Enhanced the functionality of the 2D view style panel for improved customization.
      • Implemented drag-and-drop sorting for the data source list to simplify organization.
      • Added support for pausing, canceling, and resuming the uploading of CSV files for better control.
      • Resolved an issue where UQL records could not be deleted from the UQL History window after searching and locating specific records.
      • Fixed a bug where, in split-screen mode, when executing a selected UQL query, the screen displays "Loading" all the time even though the results are returned already.
      • Addressed the issue where executing show().node_schema() and show().edge_schema() return a list of all schemas.
      • Corrected the icon of viewing schema.

      v4.2.33 (2023-02-20)

      • Fixed the issue where exported data is empty when the property name begins with an underscore.
      • Optimized the flickering problem in the 3D view.
      • Fixed the issue where UQL executions in new graphets don't carry the timezone.
      • Corrected the authentication interface parameters.

      v4.2.30 (2023-02-13)

      • Allows inclusion of special characters in the names of schemas, properties, and aliases, and applies other changes in the naming rule according to the Ultipa server.
      • Supports adjustment of the height of the UQL Editor.
      • Supports saving UQLs to the server for each server user.
      • Adjustments have been made to the user password updating process.
      • Fixed the issue of the application getting stuck when bulk uploading algorithms.
      • Fixed the problem of not displaying returned aliases.
      • Fixed the issue of viewing historical UQLs using the keyboard arrow keys.
      • Fixed some other bugs.
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