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      The spread().src().depth() query can find and return edges from a start node within K hops, by specifying k-index, applying filters on the initial-node, all edges and all neighbor nodes. The found edges are returned from shallower to deeper, in form of 1-step paths (start node, edge, end node).

      Spread is a BFS (Breadth First Search) query method that is commonly used in graph query/analysis industry for observing layers of relationship around an entity, and to retrieve and acquire data quickly.


      • Statement alias: supported (PATH)
      • All parameters:
      Parameter Type Specification Description Structure of Custom Alias
      src() Filter Mandatory The filtering rules of the start node; error will occur if multiple nodes are found NODE
      depth() Int >0; mandatory The maximum depth to spread Not supported
      node_filter() Filter The filtering rules that neighbor nodes other than src need to satisfy Not supported
      edge_filter() Filter The filtering rules that all edges need to satisfy Not supported
      direction() String left, right To specify the direction of the edge Not supported
      limit() Int -1 or >=0 Number of results to return for each subquery, -1 means to return all results Not supported

      Sample graph: (to be used for the following examples)

      (All nodes and edges are of schema @default)
      Run below UQLs one by one in an empty graphset to create graph data:

      create().edge_property(@default, "weight", int32)
      insert().into(@default).nodes([{_id:"A", _uuid:1}, {_id:"B", _uuid:2}, {_id:"C", _uuid:3}, {_id:"D", _uuid:4}, {_id:"E", _uuid:5}, {_id:"F", _uuid:6}])
      insert().into(@default).edges([{_uuid:1, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:3, weight:1}, {_uuid:2, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:2 , weight:1}, {_uuid:3, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:5 , weight:4}, {_uuid:4, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:3 , weight:2}, {_uuid:5, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:4 , weight:3}, {_uuid:6, _from_uuid:2, _to_uuid:1 , weight:2}, {_uuid:7, _from_uuid:6, _to_uuid:1 , weight:4}])

      Filter Depth

      Find 1~2-Hop edges of node D, return as paths and carry all properties

      spread().src({_id == "D"}).depth(2) as e
      return e{*}

      A --1--> C
      E --5--> D
      A --3--> E
      D --4--> C
      E --2--> B
      B --6--> A

      Analysis: Both the start node and end node of edge 6 are from 2-Hop of node D, edge 6 is also considered as from 2-Hop of node D.

      Filter Neighbor Nodes

      Example: Find 1~2-Hop edges of node D, whose shortest path does not pass node E, return as paths and carry all properties

      spread().src({_id == "D"}).depth(2)
        .node_filter({_id != "E"}) as e
      return e{*}

      A --1--> C
      D --4--> C

      Analysis: When the shortest path are not allowed to pass node E, it is equivalent to removing node E and its adjacent edges 2, 3 and 5 from the graph, in which case edge 6 is from 3-Hop of node D and not presents in the result.

      Filter Edges

      Example: Find 1~2-Hop edges of node D, whose shortest path does not pass edge 5, return as paths and carry all properties

      spread().src({_id == "D"}).depth(2)
        .edge_filter({_uuid != 5}) as e
      return e{*}

      A --1--> C
      D --4--> C

      Analysis: When the shortest path are not allowed to pass edge 5, it is equivalent to removing edge 5 from the graph, in which case edge 3 and 6 are from 3-Hop of node D, edge 2 is from 4-Hop of node D.

      Filter Edge Direction

      Example: Find 1~2-Hop edges of node D, with all edges right-pointing, return as paths and carry all properties

      spread().src({_id == "D"}).depth(2)
        .direction(right) as e
      return e{*}

      D --4--> C

      When all edges in the shortest path are right-pointing (outbound), node D has only one 1-Hop edge 4, and has no edge from 2-Hop or deeper since the end node of edge 4 has no outbound edge.

      Example: Find 1~2-Hop edges of node D, with all edges left-pointing, return as paths and carry all properties

      spread().src({_id == "D"}).depth(2)
        .direction(left) as e
      return e{*}

      E --5--> D
      A --3--> E

      Analysis: When all edges in the shortest path are left-pointing (inbound), node D has a 1-Hop edge 5 and a 2-Hop edge 3.

      Limit Result of Sub-Query

      Example: Find three 1~3-Hop edges of node D, return as paths and carry all properties

      spread().src({_id == "D"}).depth(3).limit(3) as e
      return e{*}

      E --5--> D
      A --3--> E
      D --4--> C
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