Function max()
finds and returns the maximum value in an alias. Only one row from the alias will be kept after this function is called, and all the rest rows will be abandoned.
- Number, string or time <number | string | datetime | timestamp>, auto-abstraction: UUID of NODE/EDGE, row index (starting from 0) of PATH/TABLE, or the first element of ARRAY
- Max value <number | string | datetime | timestamp>
ATTR (Numeric value)
Example: find the outbound 1-step paths from Card CA001, find the biggest amount of money transferred
n({_id == "CA001"}).re({@transfer} as pay).n({@card})
return max(pay.amount)
ATTR (String)
Example: find the outbound 1-step paths from Card CA001, find the biggest payee cards' ID
n({_id == "CA001"}).re({@transfer}).n({@card} as payee)
return max(payee._id)
ATTR (time)
Example: find the outbound 1-step paths from Card CA001, find the minimum value of transfer time
n({_id == "CA001"}).re({@transfer} as pay).n({@card})
return max(pay.time)