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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      The k-hop clause khop().src().depth() retrieves the neighbor nodes a node can reach in K hops (through K edges) the shortest. These neighbors are commonly referred to as the k-hop neighbors of the source node.

      K-hop neighbor is one of the fundamental concepts in graph theory. In the graph above, nodes B, C and D are the 1-hop neighbors of node A, nodes E, F and G are the 2-hop neighbors of node A, and node H is the 3-hop neighbor of node A.

      The value of k is unique and depends on the length of the shortest paths between two nodes. For example, although there are many paths exist between nodes A and C (A-C, A-D-C, A-D-E-C), the shortest distance is 1. Node C shouldn't appear in the results other than 1-hop neighbors.

      The results of k-hop queries are deduplicated. For example, there are two shortest paths exist between nodes A and E, but E should only appear once in the 2-hop query of node A.

      Ultipa's k-hop query adopts the BFS traversal technique to find the shortest paths and the k-hop neighbors. Optimizations have been applied to improve the performance of the k-hop query. It's recommended to use the k-hop query instead of other path query methods for the same purpose.


      • Clause alias: NODE type
      • Methods:
      Param Type
      Param Spec
      src() Filter / Yes The conditions to specify the one and only one source node NODE
      depth() Range / Yes Depth for search (N≥1):
      depth(N): N hops
      depth(:N): 1~N hops
      depth(M:N): M~N hops (M≥0)

      When a range is set, the clause returns neighbor nodes in order from nearest to farthest
      node_filter() Filter / No The conditions to specify all nodes (other than the source node) in the querying paths N/A
      edge_filter() Filter / No The conditions to specify all edges in the querying paths N/A
      direction() String left, right No Direction of all edges in the querying paths N/A
      limit() Integer ≥-1 No Number of results to return for each subquery, -1 signifies returning all N/A

      The exclusion of certain nodes or edges through node_filter() or edge_filter() might induce structural change to the graph, potentially influencing the query outcomes. See examples under Node Filtering and Edge Filtering.


      Example Graph

      Run these UQLs row by row in an empty graphset to create this graph:

      create().edge_property(@default, "weight", int32)
      insert().into(@default).nodes([{_id:"A", _uuid:1}, {_id:"B", _uuid:2}, {_id:"C", _uuid:3}, {_id:"D", _uuid:4}, {_id:"E", _uuid:5}, {_id:"F", _uuid:6}])
      insert().into(@default).edges([{_uuid:1, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:3, weight:1}, {_uuid:2, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:2 , weight:1}, {_uuid:3, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:5 , weight:4}, {_uuid:4, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:3 , weight:2}, {_uuid:5, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:4 , weight:3}, {_uuid:6, _from_uuid:2, _to_uuid:1 , weight:2}, {_uuid:7, _from_uuid:6, _to_uuid:1 , weight:4}])

      Set Depth

      Find the 3-hop neighbors of node D.

      khop().src({_id == "D"}).depth(3) as n
      return n{*}


      _id _uuid
      F 6

      Find 1-hop to 3-hop neighbors of node D.

      khop().src({_id == "D"}).depth(:3) as n
      return n{*}


      _id _uuid
      F 6
      B 2
      A 1
      C 3
      E 5

      Return Source Node

      Find the 1- to 2-hop neighbors of node D. Return node D at the same time.

      khop().src({_id == "D"}).depth(0:2) as n
      return n{*}


      _id _uuid
      B 2
      A 1
      C 3
      E 5
      D 4

      Node Filtering

      Find the 3-hop neighbors of node D while excluding node E.

      khop().src({_id == "D"}).depth(3).node_filter({_id != "E"}) as n
      return n{*}


      _id _uuid
      F 6
      B 2

      When node E (and its adjacent edges) is excluded, node B becomes the 3-hop neighbor of node D.

      Edge Filtering

      Find the 3-hop neighbors of node D while excluding edge 5.

      khop().src({_id == "D"}).depth(3).edge_filter({_uuid != 5}) as n
      return n{*}


      _id _uuid
      E 5
      F 6
      B 2

      When edge 5 is excluded, node E and B become the 3-hop neighbor of node D.

      Set Edge Direction

      Find the 1- to 2-hop neighbors of node D while ensuring that all edges that pass through point to the right.

      khop().src({_id == "D"}).depth(:2).direction(right) as n
      return n{*}


      _id _uuid
      C 3

      Call Alias in src()

      Find the 1-hop neighbors of nodes D and F.

      find().nodes({_id in ["D", "F"]}) as start
      khop().src(start).depth(1).direction(right) as n
      return table(start._id, n._id)


      start._id n._id
      D C
      F A

      Use limit()

      Find three 1- to 3-hop neighbors of node D.

      khop().src({_id == "D"}).depth(:3).limit(3) as n
      return n{*}


      _id _uuid
      A 1
      C 3
      E 5

      The k-hop clause returns neighbor nodes in order from nearest to farthest, starting with 1-hop, followed by 2-hop, and then 3-hop.

      Use OPTIONAL

      Find the 2-hop neighbors of nodes A and D while ensuring that all edges that pass through point to the right. Return null if no neighbors are found.

      find().nodes({_id in ["A", "D"]}) as start
      optional khop().src(start).depth(2).direction(right) as n
      return table(start._id, n._id)


      start._id n._id
      A D
      A B
      D null
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