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      In UQL, a filter is used to set conditions for retrieving nodes and edges based on their schemas and properties.

      Filters are implemented within some methods that represent nodes or edges in query clauses. For example, the nodes() and edges() methods.


      A filter is an expression enclosed within curly braces { }. Typically, it involves references of the schemas and properties of nodes and edges.

      Example: Find @user nodes, and @movie nodes whose rating property values are above 3.

      find().nodes({@user || @movie.rating > 3}) as n
      return n{*}

      A filter evaluates either a boolean value or null. It determines the validity of a node or edge by returning true when the filter condition is met.

      In cases where the expression of the filter does not yield a boolean value or null, the result is converted to either true or false based on its type and value:

      Type Convert to true Convert to false
      int32,uint32,int64,uint64,float,double When it is not equal to 0 When it is equal to 0
      string,text When the first character is not '0' When the first character is '0'
      datetime When it is not '0000-00-00 00:00:00' When it is '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
      timestamp When it is not '1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00' (or equivalent) When it is '1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00' (or equivalent)
      point Never Any value
      list Never Any value

      Example: Find @user nodes whose age property values, when subtracted by 33, result in non-zero values.

      find().nodes({@user.age - 33}) as n
      return n{*}


      General Filter

      In any query clause, you can filter nodes and edges by comparing their schemas and properties with some constant values and/or aliases.

      find().nodes({@user.registeredOn >= "2021-09-01 09:00:00"}) as u1
      with max(u1.age) as maxAge
      find().nodes({@user.age == maxAge}) as u2
      return u2
      n(as start).e()[3].n({level == start.level}) as p
      return p

      Note: The second node template n() calls the alias defined in the first node template.

      Generally, properties referenced in the filter can be used directly without any indexing. However, different types of indexing should be contemplated when seeking to expedite the query process. Please refer to Acceleration for more information.

      Inter-Step Filter

      In a template-based query clause, you can employ the system aliases prev_n and prev_e to facilitate inter-step filtering.

      n({@card}).e({@transfersTo.time > prev_e.time})[3].n({@card}) as p
      return p

      The properties referenced by prev_n and prev_e (such as the time property in the example) must be LTE-ed for acceleration.

      The methods path_ascend() and path_descend() in certain path query commands like ab() serve the same purpose of inter-step comparison, and they necessitate the subject property to be LTE-ed as well. However, the input for these methods does not take the form of a filter.

      ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3).path_ascend(@default.weight) as p
      return p{*}

      Full-Text Filter

      In any query clause, nodes and edges can be filtered using a created full-text index.

      find().nodes({~content CONTAINS "graph computing parallel"}) as n
      return n{*}
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