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  • Ultipa Graph V4


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      Data Types

      All Data Types

      Supported Types Supported by Property
      Numerical int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, double, decimal Yes
      Textual string, text Yes
      Temporal datetime, timestamp Yes
      Spatial point Yes
      Binary blob Yes
      Boolean bool No
      Null null No
      Graph Data NODE, EDGE, PATH, GRAPH No
      List list (containing elements of the types above) Yes, but restricted to numerical, textual, or temporal elements excluding decimal
      Set set (containing elements of the types above except list) Yes, but restricted to numerical, textual, or temporal elements excluding decimal
      Object object No
      Tabular TABLE No


      Every created node or edge property has a data type. All the supported property data types are:

      int32 Signed 32-bit integer (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
      uint32 Unsigned 32-bit integer (0 to 4,294,967,295)
      int64 Signed 64-bit integer (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
      uint64 Unsigned 64-bit integer (0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615)
      float 32-bit single-precision floating-point number with 6 to 7 significant digits (integer and fractional parts, excl. the decimal point)
      double 64-bit double-precision floating-point number with 15 to 16 significant digits (integer and fractional parts, excl. the decimal point)
      decimal Number with specified precision (1~65) and scale (0~30)[1], e.g., 'decimal(10,4)' represents a decimal number with a total of 10 digits, of which 4 are after the decimal point, and the remaining 6 are before the decimal point

      Note: It must be wrapped in quotation marks when setting
      string Characters with a length of up to 60,000 bytes

      Note: This is the default type when creating a property
      text Characters with no limit on the length
      datetime Date and time value with a range from 1000-01-01 00:00:00.000000 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.499999, stored as uint64

      Valid input formats include yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss and yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.ssssss
      timestamp A specific point in time relative (in seconds) to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC onwards; the time zone can be set via RequestConfig of the desired SDK; stored as uint32

      Valid input formats include yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, yyyy-mm-dd, yyyymmddhhmmss and yyyymmdd
      point Two-dimensional geographical coordinates representing a location or position; the two values are stored as double
      blob Used to store binary large object such as file, image, audio or video; the length is subject to the max_rpc_msgsize (defaults to 4M) setting of the server
      list Supports int32[], int64[], uint32[], uint64[], float[], double[], string[], text[], datetime[] and timestamp[]

      Note: It must be wrapped in quotation marks when setting
      set Supports set(int32), set(int64), set(uint32), set(uint64), set(float), set(double), set(string), set(text), set(datetime) and set(timestamp)

      Note: It must be wrapped in quotation marks when setting

      [1] The precision is the total number of digits in the number, including both the integer and fractional parts (excl. the decimal point). The scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

      Returned Data

      After the data is retrieved from the database and processed, it can be returned with the following types:

      Data Structure (JSON)
      NODE {id: , uuid: , schema: , values: {...}}
      EDGE {uuid: , schema: , from: , from_uuid: , to: , to_uuid: , values: {...}}
      PATH {length: , nodes: [...], edges: [...]}
      GRAPH {nodes: [...], edges: [...]}
      TABLE {name: , headers: [...], rows: [...]}
      ATTR Other types other than the above types

      Example graph:


      Return the node whose name is Alice:

      find().nodes({name == 'Alice'}) as n
      return n{*}

      Data structure of the node:

      	"id": "STU001",
      	"uuid": 1,
      	"schema": "student",
      	"values": {
      		"name": "Alice",
      		"age": 25


      Return the edge whose UUID is 53:

      find().edges({_uuid == 53}) as e
      return e{*}

      Data structure of the edge:

      	"uuid": 53,
      	"schema": "studyAt",
      	"from": "STU001",
      	"to": "UNI001",
      	"from_uuid": 1,
      	"to_uuid": 1001,
      	"values": {
      		"start": 2001,
      		"end": 2005


      Return the path from Alice to Oxford:

      n({name == 'Alice'}).e().n({name == 'Oxford'}) as p
      return p{*}

      Date structure of the path:

      	"length": 1,
      	"nodes": [{
      		"id": "STU001",
      		"uuid": 1,
      		"schema": "student",
      		"values": {
      			"name": "Alice",
      			"age": 25
      	}, {
      		"id": "UNI001",
      		"uuid": 1001,
      		"schema": "university",
      		"values": {
      			"name": "Oxford"
      	"edges": [{
      		"uuid": 53,
      		"schema": "studyAt",
      		"from": "STU001",
      		"to": "UNV001",
      		"from_uuid": 1,
      		"to_uuid": 1001,
      		"values": {
      			"start": 2001,
      			"end": 2005


      Return the graph formed by the path from Alice to Oxford:

      n({name == 'Alice'}).e().n({name == 'Oxford'}) as p
      return toGraph(collect(p))

      Data structure of the graph:

      	"nodes": [{
      		"id": "STU001",
      		"uuid": 1,
      		"schema": "student",
      		"values": {
      			"name": "Alice",
      			"age": 25
      	}, {
      		"id": "UNI001",
      		"uuid": 1001,
      		"schema": "university",
      		"values": {
      			"name": "Oxford"
      	"edges": [{
      		"uuid": 53,
      		"schema": "studyAt",
      		"from": "STU001",
      		"to": "UNI001",
      		"from_uuid": 1,
      		"to_uuid": 1001,
      		"values": {
      			"start": 2001,
      			"end": 2005


      Return the table of all nodes' ID and name properties:

      find().nodes() as n
      return table(n._id,


      STU001 Alice
      UNI001 Oxford

      Data structure of the table:

        "name": "table(n._id,",
        "alias": "table(n._id,",
        "headers": [
        "rows": [


      Return how many years Alice studied in Oxford:

      find().edges({_uuid == 53}) as e
      return e.end - e.start

      Data structure of the value:

        "values": [

      To specify a valid return format in the RETURN clause, please refer to the table provided here.


      In Ultipa Graph, null signifies the absence of a value for a property or a query result. It differs from 0 or an empty string. Null values are encountered in the following scenarios:

      • During the insertion of new nodes or edges (insert(), insert().overwrite()), properties that are not specified are assigned null values.
      • Upon creating a new property, existing nodes or edges of the corresponding schema are assigned null values for the newly created property.
      • When a requested property does not exist, null values are returned instead.
      • When using the OPTIONAL prefix for a query (find(), khop(), n().e().n(), etc.), if the query fails to yield results, null values are returned instead of nothing.

      When null is involved in a conditional operation expression:

      • If the judgement is definite, return true or false;
      • otherwise, it returns null.
      null == 3 null Null represents an unknown or missing value, so its comparison to another value cannot definitively yield a result. The same applies to operators !=, <, >, >= and <=.
      null == null null The same applies to operators !=, <, >, >= and <=.
      [1, null, 2] == [1, 3, 2] null The same applies to the operator !=.
      [1, null, 2] == [1, null, 2] null The same applies to the operator !=.
      [1, null, 2] == [1, null, 3] false The judgement is sure since the third elements are different. The result is true for the operator !=.
      [1, null, 2] == [1, null, 2, 3] false The judgement is sure since the lengths of the two lists are different. The result is true for the operator !=.
      null <> [1, 3] null The same applies to the operator <=>.
      1 IN [1, null, 2] true The result is false for the operator NOT IN.
      3 IN [1, null, 2] null The same applies to the operator NOT IN.
      null IN [ ] false The judgement is sure since the given list is empty. The result is true for the operator NOT IN.

      Any numerical computation (+, -, *, /, %) involving null will result in null.

      Any aggregation operation (count(), sum(), max(), min(), avg(), stddev(), collect()) involving null will disregard rows with null values.

      Functions and operators related to null:

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