The clause ab().src().dest().depth()
retrieves paths between a single source node and a single destination node.
Clause Alias: PATH type
Method |
Param Type |
Param Spec |
Required |
Description | Alias |
src() |
Filter | / | Yes | The conditions of the single source node; error occurs if multiple nodes are specified | NODE |
dest() |
Filter | / | Yes | The conditions of the single destination node; error occurs if multiple nodes are specified | NODE |
depth() |
Range | / | Yes | Depth of the paths (N≥1):depth(N) : N edgesdepth(:N) : 1~N edgesdepth(M:N) : M~N edges (M≥0) |
N/A |
shortest() |
/ or @<schema>.<property> |
LTE-ed numeric edge property | No | Return the (weighted) shortest path. When an edge property (with non-negative values) is specified, edges without that property will not be considered The shortest() method only supports depth(N) , indicating the (weighted) shortest paths within N steps |
N/A |
node_filter() |
Filter | / | No | The conditions that all intermediate nodes in the paths must satisfy | N/A |
edge_filter() |
Filter | / | No | The conditions that all edges in the paths must satisfy | N/A |
path_ascend() |
@<schema>.<property> |
LTE-ed numeric edge property | No | Return paths where the specified property values ascend from source to destination (edges without the property will not be considered) | N/A |
path_descend() |
@<schema>.<property> |
LTE-ed numeric edge property | No | Return paths where the specified property values descend from source to destination (edges without the property will not be considered) | N/A |
direction() |
String | left , right |
No | Direction of all edges in the paths | N/A |
no_circle() |
/ | / | No | Paths with circles will not be returned Exception: When src() and dest() specify the same node and that node does not appear in any intermediate position, the path will still be returned |
N/A |
limit() |
Integer | ≥-1 | No | Number of results to return for each subquery, -1 signifies returning all |
N/A |
Example Graph
Run these UQLs row by row in an empty graphset to create this graph:
create().edge_property(@default, "weight", int32)
insert().into(@default).nodes([{_id:"A", _uuid:1}, {_id:"B", _uuid:2}, {_id:"C", _uuid:3}, {_id:"D", _uuid:4}, {_id:"E", _uuid:5}, {_id:"F", _uuid:6}])
insert().into(@default).edges([{_uuid:1, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:3, weight:1}, {_uuid:2, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:2 , weight:1}, {_uuid:3, _from_uuid:1, _to_uuid:5 , weight:4}, {_uuid:4, _from_uuid:4, _to_uuid:3 , weight:2}, {_uuid:5, _from_uuid:5, _to_uuid:4 , weight:3}, {_uuid:6, _from_uuid:2, _to_uuid:1 , weight:2}, {_uuid:7, _from_uuid:6, _to_uuid:1 , weight:4}])
Filter Depth
Example: Find 3-step paths from A to E, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(3) as p
return p{*}
A --1--> C <--4-- D <--5-- E
Example: Find 1~3-step paths from A to E, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3) as p
return p{*}
A --3--> E
A --1--> C <--4-- D <--5-- E
A <--6-- B <--2-- E
Example: Find 2~3-step paths from A to E, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(2:3) as p
return p{*}
A --1--> C <--4-- D <--5-- E
A <--6-- B <-2-- E
Non-weighted Shortest Path
Example: Find shortest paths from A to E within 3 steps, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(3)
.shortest() as p
return p{*}
A --3--> E
Weighted Shortest Path
Example: Find shortest paths from A to E within 3 steps, use @default.weight as weight, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(3)
.shortest(@default.weight) as p
return p{*}
A <--6-- B <--2-- E
Analysis: Porperty @default.weight should be loaded to engine (LTE).
Filter Intermediate Nodes
Example: Find 1~3-step paths from A to E and not passing D, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3)
.node_filter({_id != "D"}) as p
return p{*}
A --3--> E
A <--6-- B <--2-- E
Filter Edges
Example: Find 1~3-step paths from A to E where the weight of edge is greater than 1, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3)
.edge_filter({weight > 1}) as p
return p{*}
A --3--> E
Edge Property Ascend/Descend
Example: Find 1~3-step paths from A to E with property @default.weight ascending along the path, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3)
.path_ascend(@default.weight) as p
return p{*}
A --3--> E
A --1--> C <--4-- D <--5-- E
Analysis: Porperty @default.weight should be loaded to engine (LTE).
Example: Find 1~3-step paths from A to E with property @default.weight descending along the path, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3)
.path_descend(@default.weight) as p
return p{*}
A --3--> E
A <--6-- B <--2-- E
Analysis: Porperty @default.weight should be loaded to engine (LTE).
Filter Edge Direction
Example: Find 1~3-step paths from A to E with all edges right-pointing, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3)
.direction(right) as p
return p{*}
A --3--> E
Example: Find 1~3-step paths from A to E with all edges left-pointing, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3)
.direction(left) as p
return p{*}
A <--6-- B <--2-- E
Filter Circles
Example: Find 4-step paths from A to E that do not contain circle, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "C"}).depth(4).no_circle() as p
return p{*}
A <--6-- B <--2-- E --3--> D --4--> C
Analysis: Paths with circle will be returned if not using no_circle():
A --3--> E --2--> B --6--> A --1--> C
A <--6-- B <--2-- E --3--> D --4--> C
A <--6-- B <--2-- E <--3-- A --1--> C
Example: Find a 1~3-step path from A to E, carry all properties
ab().src({_id == "A"}).dest({_id == "E"}).depth(:3).limit(1) as p
return p{*}
A <--6-- B <--2-- E