The model trained by GraphSAGE Train algorithm is to be used by GraphSAGE graph embedding algorithm. GraphSAGE was proposed by W.H Hamilton et al. of Stanford University in 2017.
Related material of the algorithm:
- W.L. Hamilton, R. Ying, J. Leskovec, Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs (2017)
Basic Concept
GraphSAGE Train
GraphSAGE model parameters can be learned using standard stochastic gradient descent and backpropagation techniques.
About these techniques, please read Gardient Descent and Backpropagation.
The authors of GraphSAGE proposed the following graph-based loss function, adjusting weights according to it can encourage nearby nodes in the graph to have similar representations, while enforcing the representations of disparate nodes to be highly distinct:
Node v is considered 'near' to node u if it occurs on the fixed-length random walk of node u, and it can be regarded as positive sample. Zu and Zv are output representations of nodes u and v, the larger their inner product, the more similar they are. σ
is the sigmoid activation function. Q is the number of negative samples, vn denotes negative samples and Pn denotes a negative sampling distribution.
About negative sampling, readers may refer to Skip-gram Model Optimization.
In cases where representations are to be used on a specific downstream task, the loss function can simply be replaced, or augmented, by a task-specific objective (e.g., cross-entropy loss).
Aggregator Functions
Aggregator can convert a set of vectors into one vector. Unlike machine learning over N-dimensional lattices (e.g., sentences, or images), a node’s neighbors have no natural ordering. Thus, the aggregator function must operate over an unordered set of vectors, and ideally, it would be symmetric (i.e., invariant to permutations of its inputs) while still being trainable and maintaining high representational capacity. Ultipa's GraphSAGE Train algorithm supports two kinds of aggregators:
1. Mean Aggregator
Mean aggregator simply takes the elementwise mean of the vectors. When using this aggregator, the embedding generation algorithm of GraphSAGE directly calculate the the k-th representation of node:
For example, there are 3 vectors [1,2], [4,3] and [3,4], they become vector [2.667,3] after being processed by the mean aggregator.
2. Pooling Aggregator
In pooling approach, each neighbor’s vector is independently fed through a fully-connected neural network; following this transformation, an elementwise max-pooling operation is applied to aggregate information across the neighbor set:
where max denotes the element-wise max operator and σ
is a nonlinear activation function.
Command and Configuration
- Command:
- Configurations for the parameter
Name | Type | Default |
Specification |
Description |
dimension | int | 64 | >0 | Dimension of node embeddings as well as their hidden layer representations, i.e., number of node properties |
node_property_names | []@<schema>?.<property> |
/ | Node property, LTE needed | Node property/properties to be used as features |
edge_property_name | @<schema>?.<property> |
/ | Numeric edge property, LTE needed | Edge weight property/properties, schema can be either carried or not. During random walk, nodes only walk along edges with the specified properties and the probability of passing through these edges is proportional to the edge weight; if edge has multiple specified properties, the edge weight is the sum of these property values; the weight of all edges is 1 if not set |
search_depth | int | 5 | >0 | Depth of random walk |
sample_size | []int | [25, 10] | Read from the model | Length of the array is the maximum search depth K, elements in the array are the number of nodes sampled at layer-K, layer-K-1, ..., layer-1 successively |
learning_rate | float | 0.1 | [0, 1] | Learning rate of each iteration |
epochs | int | 10 | >0 | Number of times to traverse the graph, i.e., number of large cycles; before each epoch, neighborhood sampling will be re-done |
max_iterations | int | 10 | >0 | Maximum number of iterations in each large cycle; each iteration uses the gradient of one randomly sampled batch |
tolerance | tolerance | 1e-10 | >0 | The criterion for judging convergence at the end of each iteration, i.e., if the difference of the loss of the current iteration and the loss of the previous iteration is less than the tolerance, the algorithm stops |
aggregator | string | mean | mean or pool | mean means to use mean aggregator, pool means to use pooling aggregator |
batch_size | int | Number of nodes/threads | >0 | The number of nodes per batch; this is also used as the number of negative samples |
Algorithm Execution
Task Writeback
1. File Writeback
Configuration | Data in Each Row | Description | File Type |
model_name | / | The trained model | JSON |
Example: Run GraphSAGE Train algorithm, use properties age and hot as feature information, write the algorithm results back to file named model_1
node_property_names: ['age','hot']
model_name: "model_1"
2. Property Writeback
Not supported by this algorithm.
3. Statistics Writeback
This algorithm has no statistics.
Direct Return
Not supported by this algorithm.
Streaming Return
Not supported by this algorithm.
Real-time Statistics
This algorithm has no statistics.