The Degree Centrality algorithm is used to find important nodes in the network, it measures the number of incoming and/or outgoing edges incident to the node, or the sum of weights of those edges. Degree is the simplest and most efficient graph algorithm since it only considers the 1-hop neighborhood of nodes. Degree plays a vital role in scientific computing, feature extraction, supernode recognition and other fields.
In-Degree and Out-Degree
The number of incoming edges a node has is called its in-degree; accordingly, the number of outgoing edges is called out-degree. If ignores edge direction, it is degree.
In this graph, the red node has in-degree of 4 and out-degree of 3, and its degree is 7. Directed self-loop is regarded as an incoming edge and an outgoing edge.
Weighted Degree
In many applications, each edge of a graph has an associated numeric value, called weight. In weighted graph, weighted degree of a node is the sum of weights of all its neighbor edges. Unweighted degree is equivalent to when all edge weights are 1.
In this weighted graph, the red node has weighted in-degree of 0.5 + 0.3 + 2 + 1 = 3.8
and weighted out-degree of 1 + 0.2 + 2 = 3.2
, and its weighted degree is 3.2 + 3.8 = 7
- Degree of isolated node only depends on its self-loop. If it has no self-loop, degree is 0.
- Every self-loop is counted as 2 edges attaching to its node. Directed self-loop is viewed as an incoming edge and an outgoing edge.
- Command:
- Parameters:
Name | Type | Spec |
Default |
Optional |
Description |
ids / uuids | []_id / []_uuid |
/ | / | Yes | ID/UUID of the nodes to calculate, calculate for all nodes if not set |
edge_schema_property | []@<schema>?.<property> |
Numeric type, must LTE | / | Yes | Edge property(-ies) to use as edge weight(s), where the values of multiple properties are summed up |
direction | string | in , out |
/ | Yes | in for in-degree, out for out-degree |
limit | int | ≥-1 | -1 |
Yes | Number of results to return, -1 to return all results |
order | string | asc , desc |
/ | Yes | Sort nodes by the size of degree |
The example is a social network, edge property @follow.score can be used as weights:
File Writeback
Spec | Content |
filename | _id ,degree |
filename: 'degree_all'
Statistics: total_degree = 20, average_degree = 2.25
Results: File degree_all
Property Writeback
Spec | Content | Write to | Data Type |
property | degree |
Node property | double |
edge_schema_property: '@follow.score'
property: 'degree'
Statistics: total_degree = 40.4, average_degree = 5.05
Results: Degree for each node is written to a new property named degree, statistics is returned at the same time
Direct Return
Alias Ordinal |
Type |
Description | Columns |
0 | []perNode | Node and its degree | _uuid , degree |
1 | KV | Total and average degree of all nodes | total_degree , average_degree |
edge_schema_property: '@follow.score',
order: 'desc'
}) as degree, stats
return degree, stats
Results: degree and stats
_uuid | degree |
3 | 11.1 |
2 | 6.5 |
4 | 6.1 |
6 | 5.2 |
1 | 4.9 |
5 | 4.3 |
7 | 2.3 |
8 | 0 |
total_degree | average_degree |
40.4 | 5.05 |
Stream Return
Alias Ordinal |
Type |
Description | Columns |
0 | []perNode | Node and its degree | _uuid , degree |
Example: Find 1-hop neighbors of the node with the highest degree, return all information of those neighbors
order: 'desc',
limit: 1
}).stream() as results
khop().src({_uuid == results._uuid}).depth(1) as neighbors
return neighbors{*}
Results: neighbors
_id | _uuid |
Bill | 7 |
Sam | 5 |
Joe | 4 |
Cathy | 2 |
Mike | 1 |
Stats Return
Alias Ordinal |
Type |
Description | Columns |
0 | KV | Total and average degree of all nodes | total_degree , average_degree |
direction: 'out'
}).stats() as stats
return stats
Results: stats
total_degree | average_degree |
10 | 1.25 |