Mapping Methods
The get()
or alias()
method of the Response
class returns a DataItem
, which embeds the query result. You should use the as<Type>()
method of DataItem
to cast the result to the appropriate driver type.
Response response = client.uql("find().nodes() as n return n{*} limit 5");
List<Node> nodeList = response.alias("n").asNodes();
The result n
coming from the database contains five nodes, each of the NODE type. The asNodes()
method converts them as a list of Node
Type mapping methods available on DataItem
UQL Type | UQL Alias | Method | Driver Type | Description |
NODE | Any | asNodes() |
List<Node> | Maps NODE-type DataItem to a list of Node objects. |
NODE | Any | asFirstNode() |
Node | Maps the first node in a NODE-type DataItem to a Node object. Equivalent to asNodes().get(0) . |
EDGE | Any | asEdges() |
List<Edge> | Maps EDGE-type DataItem to a list of Edge objects. |
EDGE | Any | asFirstEdge() |
Edge | Maps the first edge in an EDGE-type DataItem to an Edge object. Equivalent to asEdges().get(0) . |
PATH | Any | asPaths() |
List<Path> | Maps PATH-type DataItem to a list of Path objects. |
GRAPH | Any | asGraph() |
Graph | Maps GRAPH-type DataItem to a Graph object. |
TABLE | _graph |
asGraphSets() |
List<GraphSet> | Maps DataItem with the alias _graph to a list of GraphSet objects. |
TABLE | _nodeSchema , _edgeSchema |
asSchemas() |
List<Schema> | Maps DataItem with the alias _nodeSchema or _edgeSchema to a list of Schema objects. |
TABLE | _nodeProperty , _edgeProperty |
asProperties() |
List<Property> | Maps DataItem with the alias _nodeProperty or _edgeProperty to a list of Property objects. |
TABLE | _algoList |
asAlgos() |
List<Algo> | Maps DataItem with the alias _algoList to a list of Algo objects. |
TABLE | _extaList |
asExtas() |
List<Exta> | Maps DataItem with the alias _extaList to a list of Exta objects. |
TABLE | _nodeIndex , _edgeIndex , _nodeFulltext , _edgeFulltext |
asIndexes() |
List<Index> | Maps DataItem with the alias _nodeIndex , _edgeIndex , _nodeFulltext or _edgeFulltext to a list of Index objects. |
TABLE | _privilege |
asPriviliege() |
Priviliege | Maps DataItem with the alias _privilege to a Priviliege object. |
TABLE | _policy |
asPolicy() |
List<Policy> | Maps DataItem with the alias _policy to a list of Policy objects. |
TABLE | _user |
asUsers() |
List<User> | Maps DataItem with the alias _user to a list of User objects. |
TABLE | _statistic |
asStats() |
Stats | Maps DataItem with the alias _statistic to a Stats object. |
TABLE | _top |
asProcesses() |
List<Process> | Maps DataItem with the alias _top to a list of Process objects. |
TABLE | _task |
asTasks() |
List<Task> | Maps DataItem with the alias _task to a list of Task objects. |
TABLE | Any | asTable() |
Table | Maps TABLE-type DataItem to a Table object. |
ATTR | Any | asAttr() |
Attr | Maps ATTR-type DataItem to a Attr object. |
Driver Types
Objects of all driver types support getter methods to retrieve the value of a field and setter methods to set the value of a field, even if they are not explicitly listed below.
A Node
object has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
uuid |
Long | Node UUID |
id |
String | Node ID |
schema |
String | Node Schema |
values |
Value | Node custom properties |
Methods on a Node
Method |
Return |
Description |
get("<propertyName>") |
Object | Get value of the given custom property of the node. |
set("<propertyName>", <propertyValue>) |
Set value for the given custom property of the node; or add a key-value pair to the values of the node if the given <propertyName> does not exist. |
Response response = client.uql("find().nodes() as n return n{*} limit 5");
List<Node> nodeList = response.alias("n").asNodes();
System.out.println("ID of the 1st node: " + nodeList.get(0).getID());
System.out.println("Store name of the 1st node: " + nodeList.get(0).get("storeName"));
ID of the 1st node: 47370-257954
Store name of the 1st node: Meritxell, 96
An Edge
object has the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
uuid |
Long | Edge UUID |
fromUuid |
Long | Start node UUID of the edge |
toUuid |
Long | End node UUID of the edge |
from |
String | Start node ID of the edge |
to |
String | End node ID of the edge |
schema |
String | Edge Schema |
values |
Value | Edge custom properties |
Methods on an Edge
Method |
Return |
Description |
get("<propertyName>") |
Object | Get value of the given custom property of the edge. |
set("<propertyName>", <propertyValue> |
Set value for the given custom property of the edge; or add a key-value pair to the values of the edge if the given <propertyName> does not exist. |
Response response = client.uql("find().edges() as e return e{*} limit 5");
Edge edge = response.alias("e").asFirstEdge();
System.out.println("Values of the 1st edge: " + edge.getValues());
Values of the 1st edge: {distanceMeters=20, duration=21s, staticDuration=25s, travelMode=Walk, transportationCost=46}
A Path
object has the following fields:
Field | Type |
Description |
nodes |
List<Node> | Node list of the path |
edges |
List<Edge> | Edge list of the path |
nodeSchemas |
Map<String, Schema> | Map of all node schemas of the path |
edgeSchemas |
Map<String, Schema> | Map of all edge schemas of the path |
Methods on a Path
Method |
Return |
Description |
length() |
Integer | Get length of the path, i.e., the number of edges in the path. |
Response response = client.uql("n().e()[:2].n() as paths return paths{*} limit 5");
List<Path> pathList = response.alias("paths").asPaths();
System.out.println("Length of the 1st path: " + pathList.get(0).length());
System.out.println("Edge list of the 1st path: " + pathList.get(0).getEdges());
System.out.println("Information of the 2nd node in the 1st path: " + pathList.get(0).getNodes().get(1).toJson());
Length of the 1st path: 2
Edge list of the 1st path: [Edge(uuid=591, fromUuid=20, toUuid=1, from=15219-158845, to=47370-257954, schema=transport, values={distanceMeters=10521283, duration=527864s, staticDuration=52606s, travelMode=Airplane, transportationCost=21043}), Edge(uuid=599, fromUuid=21, toUuid=20, from=15474-156010, to=15219-158845, schema=transport, values={distanceMeters=233389, duration=13469s, staticDuration=1167s, travelMode=Airplane, transportationCost=467})]
Information of the 2nd node in the 1st path: {"brand":"Starbucks","storeName":"Las Palmas","ownershipType":"Licensed","city":"Pilar","provinceState":"B","timezone":"GMT-03:00 America/Argentina/Bu","point":{"latitude":-33.39,"longitude":-60.22},"_uuid":20,"_id":"15219-158845","schema":"warehouse"}
A Graph
object has the following fields:
Field | Type |
Description |
nodes |
List<Node> | Node list of the path |
edges |
List<Edge> | Edge list of the path |
nodeSchemas |
Map<String, Schema> | Map of all node schemas of the path |
edgeSchemas |
Map<String, Schema> | Map of all edge schemas of the path |
Response response = client.uql("n(as n1).re(as e).n(as n2).limit(3) with toGraph(collect(n1), collect(n2), collect(e)) as graph return graph");
Graph graph = response.alias("graph").asGraph();
List<Node> nodes = graph.getNodes();
List<Edge> edges = graph.getEdges();
System.out.println("Node IDs:");
for (Node node : nodes) {
System.out.println("Edge UUIDs:");
for (Edge edge : edges) {
Node IDs:
Edge UUIDs:
A GraphSet
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type | Description |
id |
Integer | Graphset ID |
name |
String | Graphset name |
description |
String | Graphset description |
totalNodes |
Long | Total number of nodes in the graphset |
totalEdges |
Long | Total number of edges in the graphset |
status |
String | Graphset status (MOUNTED, MOUNTING, or UNMOUNTED) |
Response response = client.uql("show().graph()");
List<GraphSet> graphSetList = response.alias("_graph").asGraphSets();
for (GraphSet graphSet : graphSetList) {
if (graphSet.getStatus().equals("UNMOUNTED")) {
A Schema
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
name |
String | Schema name |
description |
String | Schema description |
properties |
List<Property> | Property list of the schema |
dbType |
Ultipa.DBType | Schema type (DBNODE or DBEDGE) |
total |
Integer | Total number of nodes or edges of the schema |
Response response = client.uql("show().node_schema()");
List<Schema> schemaList = response.alias("_nodeSchema").asSchemas();
for (Schema schema : schemaList) {
System.out.println(schema.getName() + " has " + schema.getTotal() + " nodes");
default has 0 nodes
user has 1092511 nodes
ad has 846811 nodes
A Property
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
name |
String | Property name |
description |
String | Property description |
schema |
String | Associated schema of the property |
type |
String | Property data type |
lte |
Boolean | Property LTE status (true or false) |
Response response = client.uql("show().node_property(@user)");
List<Property> propertyList = response.alias("_nodeProperty").asProperties();
for (Property property : propertyList) {
if (property.getLte()) {
System.out.println("LTE-ed property name: " + property.getName());
LTE-ed property name: cms_group_id
An Algo
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
name |
String | Algorithm name |
desc |
String | Algorithm description |
version |
String | Algorithm version |
detail |
String | Algorithm parameters |
Response res = client.uql("show().algo()");
List<Algo> algoList = res.alias("_algoList").asAlgos();
Algo(name=fastRP, desc={"name":"fastRP","description":"Fast and Accurate Network Embeddings via Very Sparse Random Projection","version":"1.0.1","parameters":{"dimension":"int,required","normalizationStrength":"float,optional, 0 as default","iterationWeights":"float[],optional,[0.0,1.0,1.0] as default","edge_schema_property":"optional,for weighted random projection","node_schema_property":"optional","propertyDimension":"int,optional, maximum value is dimension","limit":"optional,-1 for all results, >=0 partial results"},"write_to_db_parameters":{"property":"set write back property name for each schema and nodes"},"write_to_file_parameters":{"filename":"set file name"},"result_opt":"27"}, version=null, params=null)
An exta is a custom algorithm developed by users.
An Exta
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
name |
String | Exta name |
author |
String | Exta author |
version |
String | Exta version |
detail |
String | Content of the YML configuration file of the Exta |
Response response = client.uql("show().exta()");
List<Exta> extaList = response.alias("_extaList").asExtas();
An Index
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
name |
String | Index name |
properties |
String | Property name of the index |
schema |
String | Schema name of the index |
status |
String | Index status (done or creating) |
size |
String | Index size in bytes |
dbType |
Ultipa.DBType | Index type (DBNODE or DBEDGE) |
Response response = client.uql("show().index()");
List<Index> indexList = response.alias("_nodeIndex").asIndexes();
for (Index index : indexList) {
System.out.println(index.getSchema() + " " + index.getProperties() + " " + index.getSize());
account name 0
movie name 2526
Response response = client.uql("show().fulltext()");
List<Index> indexList = response.alias("_edgeFulltext").asIndexes();
for (Index index : indexList) {
System.out.println(index.getName() + " " + index.getProperties() + " " + index.getSchema());
contentFull content review
A Privilege
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
systemPrivileges |
List<String> | System privileges |
graphPrivileges |
List<String> | Graph privileges |
Response response = client.uql("show().privilege()");
Privilege privilege = response.alias("_privilege").asPrivilege();
A Policy
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
name |
String | Policy name |
systemPrivileges |
List<String> | System privileges included in the policy |
graphPrivileges |
Map<String, List<String>> | Graph privileges and the corresponding graphsets included in the policy |
propertyPrivileges |
PropertyPrivilege | Property privileges included in the policy |
policies |
List<String> | Policies included in the policy |
Response response = client.uql("show().policy()");
List<Policy> policyList = response.alias("_policy").asPolicies();
for (Policy policy : policyList) {
A User
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
username |
String | Username |
create |
String | When the user was created |
systemPrivileges |
List<String> | System privileges granted to the user |
graphPrivileges |
Map<String, List<String>> | Graph privileges and the corresponding graphsets granted to the user |
propertyPrivileges |
PropertyPrivilege | Property privileges granted to the user |
policies |
List<String> | Policies granted to the user |
Response response = client.uql("show().user('Tester')");
List<User> user = response.alias("_user").asUsers();
User(username=Tester, create=Fri Jul 26 14:10:06 CST 2024, systemPrivileges=[MOUNT_GRAPH, SHOW_GRAPH], graphPrivileges={Ad_Click=[FIND_EDGE, FIND_NODE], DFS_EG=[UPDATE, INSERT]}, propertyPrivileges=PropertyPrivilege(node=PropertyPrivilegeElement(read=[], write=[], deny=[]), edge=PropertyPrivilegeElement(read=[], write=[], deny=[])), policies=[operator])
A Stats
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
cpuUsage |
String | CPU usage in percentage |
memUsage |
String | Memory usage in megabytes |
expiredDate |
String | Expiration date of the license |
cpuCores |
String | Number of CPU cores |
company |
String | Company name |
serverType |
String | Server type |
version |
String | Version of the server |
Response response = client.uql("stats()");
Stats stats = response.get(0).asStats();
System.out.println("CPU usage: " + stats.getCpuUsage() + "%");
System.out.println("Memory usage: " + stats.getMemUsage());
CPU usage: 5.415697%
Memory usage: 9292.265625
A Process
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
processId |
String | Process ID |
processUql |
String | The UQL run with the process |
status |
String | Process status |
duration |
String | The duration in seconds the task has run so far |
RequestConfig requestConfig = new RequestConfig();
Response response = client.uql("top()", requestConfig);
List<Process> processList = response.alias("_top").asProcesses();
for (Process process : processList) {
A Task
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
taskInfo |
TaskInfo | Task information including taskId , serverId , algoName , startTime , etc. |
param |
Map<String, Object> | Algorithm parameters and their corresponding values |
result |
Map<String, Object> | Algorithm result and statistics and their corresponding values |
errorMsg |
String | Error message of the task |
Response response = client.uql("show().task()", requestConfig);
List<Task> tasks = response.alias("_task").asTasks();
{order=desc, limit=10}
{total_degree=590.000000, avarage_degree=1.940789, result_files=top10}
A Table
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
tableName |
String | Table name |
headers |
List<Header> | Table headers |
rows |
List<List<Object>> | Table rows |
Methods on a Table
Method |
Return |
Description |
toKV() |
List<Value> | Convert all rows of the table to a key-value list. |
Response response = client.uql("find().nodes() as n return table(n._id, n._uuid) as myTable limit 5");
Table table = response.alias("myTable").asTable();
System.out.println("2nd row in table: " + table.toKV().get(1));
2nd row in table: {n._id=u604510, n._uuid=2}
A Attr
object has the following fields:
Field |
Type |
Description |
name |
String | Attr name |
values |
List<Object> | Attr rows |
type |
Ultipa.PropertyType | Attr type |
Response response = client.uql("find().nodes({@ad}) as n return n.brand limit 5");
Attr attr = response.alias("n.brand").asAttr();
[14655, 14655, 14655, 14655, 434760]