ultipa.configuration package
ultipa.configuration.InsertConfig module
- class ultipa.configuration.InsertConfig.InsertConfig(insertType: ~ultipa.structs.InsertType.InsertType, graphName: str = '', timeout: int = 3600, retry: ~ultipa.structs.Retry.Retry = <ultipa.structs.Retry.Retry object>, stream: bool = False, useHost: str | None = None, useMaster: bool = False, CreateNodeIfNotExist: bool = False, timeZone=None, timeZoneOffset=None, **kwargs)[source]
Configuration class for the interface of insert operation.
This class provides settings for inserting metadata.
- Args:
insertType (InsertType): The mode of insert request (NORMAL/UPSERT/OVERWRITE).
graphName (str): The name of graphset to use.
timeout (int): The timeout for the request in seconds.
retry (Retry): The object of Retry configuration classwhen the request fails
stream (bool): Whether to return stream
useHost (str): The designated host the request will be sent to, or sent to a random host if not set
useMaster (bool): Whether to send the request to the leader to guarantee Consistency Read
CreateNodeIfNotExist (bool): Whether to create start/end nodes of edge when these nodes do not exist in the graphset
timeZone (str): The string of timezone in standard format
timeZoneOffset (any): 1, the number of seconds; 2, a 5-character string such as +0700, -0430
ultipa.configuration.RequestConfig module
- class ultipa.configuration.RequestConfig.RequestConfig(graphName: str = '', timeout: int = 3600, retry: ~ultipa.structs.Retry.Retry = <ultipa.structs.Retry.Retry object>, stream: bool = False, host: str | None = None, useMaster: bool = False, threadNum: int | None = None, timeZone: str | None = None, timeZoneOffset: any | None = None)[source]
Configuration class for the interface of any non-insert operation.
This class provides settings for all the operations other than inserting metadata.
- Args:
graphName (str): The name of graphset to use.
timeout (int): The timeout for the request in seconds.
retry (Retry): The object of Retry configuration class when the request fails
stream (bool): Whether to return stream
host (str): The designated host the request will be sent to, or sent to a random host if not set
useMaster (bool): Whether to send the request to the leader to guarantee Consistency Read
threadNum (int): The number of threads used for the request
timeZone (str): The string of timezone in standard format
timeZoneOffset (any): 1, the number of seconds; 2, a 5-character string such as +0700, -0430
ultipa.configuration.UltipaConfig module
- class ultipa.configuration.UltipaConfig.UltipaConfig(hosts=None, username=None, password=None, crtFilePath=None, defaultGraph: str = 'default', timeout: int = 3600, responseWithRequestInfo: bool = False, consistency: bool = False, heartBeat: int = 10, maxRecvSize: int = -1, uqlLoggerConfig: LoggerConfig | None = None, debug: bool = False, timeZone=None, timeZoneOffset=None, **kwargs)[source]
Configuration class used to instantiate Ultipa connection.
This class stores settings for establishing a connection to an Ultipa server. The change of an UltipaConfig object will update the connection it established.
- Args:
hosts (str): The list of Ultipa server hosts.
username (list[str]): The username of server.
password (str): The password of server.
crtFilePath (str): The file path of SSL certificate when both Ultipa server and client-end are in SSL mode.
defaultGraph (str): The name of graphset to use.
timeout (int): The timeout for the request in seconds.
responseWithRequestInfo (bool): Whether to return request.
consistency (bool): Whether to use leader host to guarantee Consistency Read.
heartBeat (int): The heartbeat in seconds for all instances, set 0 to turn off heartbeat.
maxRecvSize (int): The maximum number of bytes when receiving data.
uqlLoggerConfig (LoggerConfig): The object of LoggerConfig class.
debug (bool): Whether to use debug mode.
timeZone (str): The string of timezone in standard format.
timeZoneOffset (any): 1, the number of seconds; 2, a 5-character string such as +0700, -0430.
To enable debug mode, a logger configuration is necessary. If ‘debug’ is set to True but ‘uqlLoggerConfig’ is not defined, a LoggerConfig object will be generated for debugging purposes; however, the log will not be written to a file.